Damn, Nutty, you too? That does verily suck.
Daisy Jane, just reading the duck song is putting me to sleep. You were good in your movie, and also pretty.
Would you learned folks happen to know any Shakespearean (or earlier) slang terms for a gay or effeminate man?
Or maybe you think, "Gee, I wonder if hunters got the ducks? Mmmmm.... duck...."
Well, in the end you quack really loudly and all the little ducks come back. Clearly you have never seen the wonder that is Trout Fishing in America.
Well, in the end you quack really loudly and all the little ducks come back.
Sure they do, if you
stay awake.
Zenkitty, from Wikipedia:
In Elizabethan slang, a Fantastic was a rake; an "effeminate fool" or "improvident young gallant".[citation needed] The character Lucio in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure is described in the Dramatis Personae as a Fantastic.
I just make up stories. Elaborate, sometimes faux-autobiographical ones.
I usually crash before I get any satisfying conclusion. Either that, or, in my insomnia days, working myself into a hysterical
why is this not my life?!!!
Which wasn't so useful.
I've been tetchy all evening. Well, all day. I know why, but it's really inconsequential in the large scheme of things. Basically, I've called everyone I can call...wait...I haven't! (gonna get offline!) checked the internets incessantly, dusted, mopped, smoked too much, drank more than is reasonable, rearranged shit....
Funny, how I can torture myself not opening gifts for weeks, but reality? Is basically pins and needles and fear.
The word "slumber" always makes me think of "Lift Thine Eyes" from
which is actually a nice going-to-sleep song. If you like that kind of thing.
I've called everyone I can call...wait...I haven't!
You didn't call me!
I can't decide if I want to clean, or drink wine, or clean and drink wine