I would be psyched if I could get a grilled cheese for $2.50, I have to say.
Consensus seems to be $2.50 is about par for the course. Ah well.
I am having one of those days where I swear, no one around here knows how to do their fucking job, and the game of "operator" that gets played with every interaction makes everything impossible.
Yes, this, this is the day I'm having. This is probably why I am less than normally sanguine about the cost of the sad-looking little sandwich.
Totally synergistic posting!
Mike Rowe says 'poo' all the time! It's so cute I could swoon.
Oh god...I think my cheese has slipped off my cracker. I heard a distinctive plop as I was typing that. Send the dudes in white coats....Maybe they will give me a lift to Mike Rowe's house...
::smacks self upside...::
Snap out of it Beej!!
and the game of "operator" that gets played with every interaction makes everything impossible.
this! a thousand times this! I hear instructions I gave, being retold ALL WRONG and I LOSE it. Worse is me virtually dictating an email and then seeing the email with half the info missing.
The ones at the Bamn automat on St Marks are about that.
I keep meaning to go there, and forgetting!
Yes, this, this is the day I'm having.
Fucking people.
Here's the one that just happened to me:
Boss: Did you do X?
Me: I don't know what you're talking about.
Boss: Big Boss said she gave it to you.
Me: I'm pretty sure not -- it sounds like something for Coworker A
Time passes
Boss: Coworker A says she doesn't know what I'm talking about.
I get up and walk over to Coworker A.
Me: Hey, did you do X?
Coworker A: Yeah, Big Boss gave it to me, and I'm almost done.
Me: @@
Happy new home hunting, too!
This is the conversation that has been going on for six bleeding weeks:
Author: Sorry my corrections are late! How do I give them to you?
Me: Just write them out and I'll make the changes.
...time passes...
Author: Sorry I'm late with the changes! How do I give them to you?
Me: Just write them out. Can I have them by Monday?
Author: Sure!
Me: Can I have your changes THIS Monday?
Author: Okay! And how do I send them to you?
Me: ggnngrr
Author: Remind me what it is you need again?
I swear, this is almost verbatim.
Okay, the apartment was a notch more ghetto than I would have liked. Bonus extra hot neighbor could sway verdict, but I get wonky about scary neighborhoods.
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Have a great one, Allyson.