I love pulling out photos of my mom and casually saying, "Oh, she'll be 68 this year," and seeing the shocked looks on people's faces. She looks more she's in her early 50s. I'll have to scan in her newest posed picture that she just sent me and post it here--she looks gorgeous! The only thing she does to touch up her appearance is to dye her hair, which she's been doing since her early 40s, and she swears that if the color ever went anything other than a mousy brown she'd let it go, but since redheads rarely grey gracefully, she keeps it red.
I'm debating coloring my hair--it's been going grey for years, but now I've gone very white at the temples, as well.
Is the java in your name referring to a hot beverage or platform independent code?
Hot coffee! I've been known as javachik since my first e-mail account in 1992. Even my friends offline call me "java". Thanks for asking. And I keep seeing your name and thinking it's "good enough". Intentional? :)
Happy birthday, Kathy!
That student email was hysterical. My favorite part:
...so much time was spent discussing the tiny details in the passages in the book and so if I learned anything it is how to read things in too much detail. I could have read books in too much detail on my own but that is not what I came to college to do...
I'm wanting to start recording another Sci-Fi type TV show. Any good suggestions?
They were showing a bunch of Eureka episodes yesterday--that's a good one to watch. They'll probably have another marathon eventually.
Craxy students....
I love pulling out photos of my mom and casually saying, "Oh, she'll be 68 this year," and seeing the shocked looks on people's faces. She looks more she's in her early 50s.
S's mom is like this. She's almost 70, but you'd never know it. She looks early fifties, at the oldest.
And I keep seeing your name and thinking it's "good enough". Intentional?
Not intentional, I was the name of a dog who I used to have. The dog was named after Boris Godunov
My mom is really young looking, too. She's 54 but could totally pass for 10-15 years younger. She's also really pretty. All my guy friends in high school were into my mom, which was gross but in retrospect, go Mom!
My sister's been losing weight as well, and the skinnier she gets, the more she resembles Mom! We've always known that she inherited a lot of Mom's features, while I got Dad's, but as her face thins down, it's really remarkable. I called her to tell her so after she sent me pictures of her in her newly-purchased wedding gown, and she thought that Mom had put me up to it. Apparently, when her best friend came out to visit a few weeks ago, the friend's parents came up from Phoenix for dinner and to see my sister for the first time in a few years, and the first thing the mother said when she saw Kris was "My God, you look just like your mom!!" Later in the conversation, she started blathering like Mom does occasionally, and I called her on it by telling her she's starting to sound like Mom, too. I swear, I could hear her sticking her tongue out at me.