I think I want Kathy's salad.
Come on over--I'll make two! Before I was on this diet the first time, back in 1998/9, I always disliked bell peppers, but having them on the diet, I came to really love them, in all forms. I could take out the lettuce from that list and triple up the amount of peppers and still be happy with the salad (although the lettuce does provide moisture and a nice crunch).
ETA: I'll make a third for Nora, too!
Now I'm hungry.
My dinner will most likely involve snow peas, since I still have a giant bag of them sitting in the crisper.
My lovely DH has already gone grocery shopping and bought me all kinds of delicious and nutritious things. He has writing work to do, so we can sit companionably for the rest of the day as he works and I recuperate.
Except I want a cupcake. Why must I be tortured ths way, WHY????????
Lunch: leftover pizza
Morning: spent getting medical tests
Afternoon: off to doctor.
I want a nap.
If the pizza place can deliver, and the Thai and Chinese places can deliver, why can't the bakery?
I was about to complain about the headache I have and how it feels like someone punched me in the eye, but then I feel guilty complaining when faced with ita's issues. It's totally an "i wish i had some root" conversation.
It's totally an "i wish i had some root" conversation.
Maybe if you put some root on your eye.
Timelies all!
Due to my dance group getting kicked out of the space we had been practicing in(there's been a crackdown on non-student groups using university space, and we have two students total in our group), dance practice is tonight.(We're sharing space with a local SCA group's fighter practice which is on Mondays)
Group 1: Food gets too much power and you feel like a failure when you lapse.
Group 2: Prone to cheating and once they cheat a little they start to cheat a lot.
Both groups are pretty similar -as in food has the power in the relationship.
I read an article about changeing habits in some woman's magazine. It said that when trying to change habits, everyone slips up. It is how you handle the slip up that determines the eventual outcome. and the other thing it said - that old do something for 30 days and you have a new habit- wrong. try 6 to 9 months.
anyway , the salad sounds great - you know it will taste good. and if you want cookies too, that works.
We don't give up cookies because they are bad, we give them up so there is room for more nutrtionaly dense ( as opposed to caloricly dense) food. The thing I relearned when I was diagnosised with dabetes- I like veggies. the thing I learned - salads do not have to be boring.
I've made some really good salads. I'm particularly proud of my radicchio and endive salad.