Group 1: Food gets too much power and you feel like a failure when you lapse.
Group 2: Prone to cheating and once they cheat a little they start to cheat a lot.
Both groups are pretty similar -as in food has the power in the relationship.
I read an article about changeing habits in some woman's magazine. It said that when trying to change habits, everyone slips up. It is how you handle the slip up that determines the eventual outcome. and the other thing it said - that old do something for 30 days and you have a new habit- wrong. try 6 to 9 months.
anyway , the salad sounds great - you know it will taste good. and if you want cookies too, that works.
We don't give up cookies because they are bad, we give them up so there is room for more nutrtionaly dense ( as opposed to caloricly dense) food. The thing I relearned when I was diagnosised with dabetes- I like veggies. the thing I learned - salads do not have to be boring.
I've made some really good salads. I'm particularly proud of my radicchio and endive salad.
I grew up with green leaf lettuce from our garden. I thought lettuce was a waste of time. Turns out I love bitter greens, but I can understand why some people don't want an all arugula salad. I also like adding a sprinke of fresh thyme , or a chiffinade of basil , or mint. all of which were in the garden growing up. but we never did that .
I like wilted lettuce salad in the summertime. Ooh, almost time for wilted lettuce! Yum.
Oh, and I went to jail again today, FWIW.
Oh, and I went to jail again today, FWIW.
How was the salad?
Did you get a kinky thrill when the cuffs went on, or is context everything?
You know, I thought about it. "Is this sexy?" I think maybe it was for like 1/2 a second. But the cops were all white-bread. Now if a Cillian Murphy/Colin Farrell pairing had been doing the cuffing, yeah.
Developers have turned a house into an island in China after the owner refused to move out.
Developers turned a house into an island after the owner refused to move out in Chongqing city, China /Lu Feng
The villa now stands alone in a 30ft deep man-made pit in Chongqing city, reports Jinbao Daily.
The Chongqing Zhengsheng Real Estate Company wants to turn the area into a £40m 'Broadway' square, including apartments and a shopping mall.
But the owner of the villa says he won't move out unless the company pays his price - the equivalent of £1.3 million.
"The villa owner refuses to move, so the real-estate developer has had to dig out all around it to force him to," says a saleswoman at Weilian Real Estate Sales Company.
"He wants 20 million yuan, or he'll stay till the end of the world."
Check out the picture - I don't know how the hell he climbs up to his house.
I like veggies
I always feel like I'm from another species when people say things like that. I have tried various vegetables, but the ones I can stand to eat are either an excuse for cheese sauce or high in carbs. Otherwise, they're far too bitter/acidic or of a texture that makes me want to gag.
God bless turkeys and chickens and cows and all the tasty critters on two and four legs. And the ones that swim, too.
Are Type O, connie? My sister is, and when she went on one of these blood type diets she was supposed to eat a lot of meat. The reasoning was something about O being the earliest blood type so you should eat like a hunter, or something, I don't remember what the justification was, but she was eating a lot of meat on that one.
God bless turkeys and chickens and cows and all the tasty critters on two and four legs. And the ones that swim, too.
You forgot those creatures that crawl along on their... what are those things that snails crawl around on?