If the US really wants to switch over to dollar coins then they need to stop making dollar bills to force the switch.
Seriously. I realize we've moved on, but I cannot express how much I agree with this. "Why oh why don't people want to pick the new thing??" @@
I'm annoyed at the promised wintry mix here already, and it hasn't even started yet. I hate wintry mix!!
I'm annoyed at the promised wintry mix here already, and it hasn't even started yet. I hate wintry mix!!
When I see the phrase "wintry mix" I can't help but wonder if it's similar to Chex mix.
I WISH! Then I would love it! Instead, I hate it. Last I checked, they were forecasting 3-6 inches of SLUSH here. Seriously?
How do you pile slush that high?
I have been told to go home. So I shall!
How do you pile slush that high?
I don't want to think about that. OK, now it says "total snow and sleet accumulation" of 2-3 inches, but some "light ice accretion" is also possible.
Please god just give me a foot of snow!
Jesse, where are you getting this news?
The Weather Channel thing I have on my desktop.
Mostly I'm annoyed because tomorrow is supposed to be the only day with highs in the 30s this week, and that's the one day we're getting precipitation. That shit ain't right!
Also not right is the HARD CORE procrastination I'm doing on some work right now.
some "light ice accretion" is also possible
Hmm. Maybe the same guys who were fucking with Google Image Tagging are fucking with your weather report.