Mostly I'm annoyed because tomorrow is supposed to be the only day with highs in the 30s this week, and that's the one day we're getting precipitation. That shit ain't right!
Also not right is the HARD CORE procrastination I'm doing on some work right now.
some "light ice accretion" is also possible
Hmm. Maybe the same guys who were fucking with Google Image Tagging are fucking with your weather report.
I think my boss and I are the only humans left on this floor.
I think my boss and I are the only humans left on this floor.
Are the rest of your coworkers Cylons?
Also not right is the HARD CORE procrastination I'm doing on some work right now.
I must have caught that from you. I have done nothing today but read fanfic, answer email, and wander around the web as if I don't have seven different things due, like, last week.
I've gotten some stuff done today, and a good thing too, but the two hour meeting with my boss sapped me of my will to work.
I think my boss and I are the only humans left on this floor.
Have the zombies taken over? Be sure to barricade the doors thoroughly.
Okay, I have a migraine and am mighty pissy. COBRA won't talk to my prescription benefits people, so I'm almost out of every med by now. I'm hoarding abortives, but I think I'm gonna break and take one. Which means I've waited past the optimal time.
I just found out someone's coming in to look at my leaking dishwasher in thirty minutes, and I've spent all day lying in bed feeling sorry for myself instead of tidying and looking vaguely presentable. Also instead of eating lunch.
Are the rest of your coworkers Cylons?
No, but I didn't want to accidentally count the mice. Cause they are always here.
Honestly, I think my response would be quite similar to Mr. Goldman's, especially in the face of a perp who will not shut the fuck up and go away. You got away with it, you smarmy piece of shit, in what universe is that not enough for you?(Although I bet Mr. Goldman is too nice to say that, which probably makes it even more of a struggle.)
You bet that would bring out my Inigo Montoya. I'd make him beg to be locked up, if at all possible.
But I agree that I hope he is able to enjoy, and think of, other things, more often than not. But he will probably never be the same man again, in addition to the loss and grief.
Some people think the presidents on the first four coins look pretty terrible: [link]
That's some fugly money. I'm going to invest in Sacajawea coins for Emmett's future dental needs.