I hope I wasn't that much of an ass when I went.
No, not even! And usually it takes a student I've worked with a number of times to make me that frustrated.
The good thing about a centre like ours is that there are so many teachers and so many classes is that you don't have to be the one that gets them over every hump. As long as they get over the hump in reasonable time.
Doesn't mean you don't stop trying, but since everyone's not working on the same schedule, it's a bit easier to distance yourself from the frustration and concentrate on being positive when you teach.
I'm taken aback by how invested I've gotten into all this. When I can't cover one of my classes, or even when someone else is called in to cover a class I usually cover--I get kinda pouty and sad. At least I've gotten over feeling displaced when watching students I've taught taking other classes.
I like it. I like yelling at them, I like making them laugh, I like getting them to give more than they'd been planning to, and I like it when they pass belt tests. Since I teach at all levels now (how the fuck did that happen?) I run less chance of losing them when they move up a level.