I tend to ask people to spell, but then they're like, "Um, T O M J O N E S" and I'm like, "Um, duh."
A big part of why I stopped, when it was just to announce a call. It doesn't really matter if I think the guy's name is Tomjo Ns, you know?
Ow! I just did something really weird to my neck and shoulder.
I hate this week.
Like I'm supposed to know who the fuck "Marcia" is or something. "Oh, hi Marcia, I received your psychic plea for help through the aether and I'm not only looking up your PO right now, but I'm also arranging for you to finally experience a satisfying orgasm with your husband. Be just a sec."
HA! And, also, "I need some information." is not a specific enough request. I need to know the nature of the information. Also, "About your program." is not a good follow up.
all I really want to do is blurt out what I need and have you do it!
And we would be singing your praises. Seriously, we'd be all "One time...this lady called...and
she just asked for what she needed."
Now I wanna see a Tom Jones / Snarflebug Cattywampus smackdown....
From what Connie says, it's not embarassing for him. From his delivery it didn't seem so to me. He seemed quite matter of fact, not as if he had to muster his bravery, or god forbid, was having an Oprah moment.
It may not be embarrassing to talk about under those circumstances, when he's trying to explain he change in tone; and it may not be embarrassing to talk about one's alcoholic exploits. But check the video-- at about 10:30-11:00 he says "it's embarrassing to admit that you're an alcoholic." If he can talk about it now, I still don't think it's tantamount to boasting.
Him not thinking ahead to meeting the people he gets laughs off of is just plain weird. It's not even like you should need to think ahead to meeting them. It's not about meeting them. It's about them existing and having feelings that may be affected by your work.
I think it's hard to be in his position and make a fundamental change to his habits, even if he could always foresee the consequences. For me it's like gossiping: I KNOW it can hurt other people if they find out about it. I KNOW I get hurt when I hear that people are gossiping about me, and I wish they wouldn't do it. But man, it's hard to stop. I am doing my best, though. But it takes time to really get out of that mode.
If he can talk about it now, I still don't think it's tantamount to boasting.
And I never tied that part of his discussion to boasting. It looks to me like while admitting you were a self-destructive alcoholic (I guess that's the default, if not only, kind) is embarassing, he's long dealt with that.
I think it's hard to be in his position and make a fundamental change to his habits, even if he could always foresee the consequences.
But unlike your gossipping, he's delivering material that's been deliberately written, reviewed, massaged, cut, bolstered and
we see it. It's not reflexive, or something as simple to relieve as that bursting pressure to tell Sally that John slept with Ricky and Jane. I've had to slap around a number of improvisers for taking the cheap road, etc, against our stated policy--but that's improv. I'd be more than slapping around anyone that's prepping their work before delivering it.
Stephen Fry just said "Kneel before Zod." And compared Terrence Stamp to yaks.
On QI. I have no independent thoughts these days. I just have episodes of QI.
Are these on Youtube? Because they would be a great panacea, I'm thinking, for someone with a lot of free time after, say, surgery.