I'd read excerpts of his monologue, but that's the first time I heard the whole thing. I love him. I'm going to have to start TiVoing his show.
Rent Saving Grace--he's BRILLIANT in that.
Today's outing was going to get the oil changed. We stopped by for a snack pack of Timbits for a snack. I highly recommend that.
Connie, where do you work? I could do customer service if it was chat. I HATE the phones.
Hey babe? Check your email.
Speaking of customer calls, I have this embarrassing habit of
completely blanking
on customer names almost immediately after they tell me who they are. I have to write it down if I want to avoid the embarrassing, "And, uh... what name is your account under, again?"
Me: Brain, I know you don't give a shit about these people, but could you hold onto the info for at least two minutes before trashing it?
Brain: And overwrite all those Journey lyrics? NEVER.
Me: Fantastic. I'd be golden if only these people were named Wheelinthesky Keepsonturnin.
Yeah, I totally had that thing too. And then came the terriblehorriblenogood stretch where I was a temp secretary. To, like, the second biggest dude at a university. You better believe I learned how to remember names in a flash. And it's evidently a skill I've retained, even though I only now use it to startle customer service people I'm on hold for.
I love the fact that my work phone has caller ID, I tell you what.
Learned from today's QI:
Hoover the Talking Seal. There's a sound clip and everything.
When I was a temp receptionist, I started out asking people how to spell their names and stuff before I'd announce a call, but eventually, I just went with the feeling, and it still worked out. "Um... Snarflebug Cattywampus is on for you?" "Great! Put her through!"
I am now looking for a document that seems to have completely disappeared out of my files, and I can't figure out why or how, but I NEED IT BACK.
I tend to ask people to spell, but then they're like, "Um, T O M J O N E S" and I'm like, "Um, duh."
Connie, where do you work? I could do customer service if it was chat. I HATE the phones.
I work for a software company that makes programs for insurance adjusters and contractors. Occasionally I work with techies, but mostly I work with folks who probably went into their line of work--repairing houses--to avoid all that officey stuff.
I've done the Microsoft tech support, though. This impresses by fellow techies.