If he can talk about it now, I still don't think it's tantamount to boasting.
And I never tied that part of his discussion to boasting. It looks to me like while admitting you were a self-destructive alcoholic (I guess that's the default, if not only, kind) is embarassing, he's long dealt with that.
I think it's hard to be in his position and make a fundamental change to his habits, even if he could always foresee the consequences.
But unlike your gossipping, he's delivering material that's been deliberately written, reviewed, massaged, cut, bolstered and
we see it. It's not reflexive, or something as simple to relieve as that bursting pressure to tell Sally that John slept with Ricky and Jane. I've had to slap around a number of improvisers for taking the cheap road, etc, against our stated policy--but that's improv. I'd be more than slapping around anyone that's prepping their work before delivering it.
Stephen Fry just said "Kneel before Zod." And compared Terrence Stamp to yaks.
On QI. I have no independent thoughts these days. I just have episodes of QI.
Are these on Youtube? Because they would be a great panacea, I'm thinking, for someone with a lot of free time after, say, surgery.
Stephen Fry just said "Kneel before Zod." And compared Terrence Stamp to yaks.
Every time I think I can't love him more, he proves me wrong.
I've had to slap around a number of improvisers for taking the cheap road, etc, against our stated policy--but that's improv. I'd be more than slapping around anyone that's prepping their work before delivering it.
I'm pretty sure I read recently that Ferguson improvises his opening monologue.
Wow, look at all these skippers and skimmers.
In short, it's a British quiz (game) show hosted by Stephen Fry. Contestants are given points for interesting answers, regardless of whether they're true, and penalized for obvious answers. Some are available on YouTube.
Stephen Fry just said "Kneel before Zod." And compared Terrence Stamp to yaks.
That's so cool.
He's just so much awesome.