It's funny to me that she's in rehab because she actually might need rehab instead of going into rehab after being a hypocritical dickhead.
That's so wrong.
But I agree.
I'm curious - has she just been abusing alcohol? Also, is her bizarre behavior just a part of her substance abuse? or is she crazy in a way that's independent of substance abuse? Or are they symptoms of the same problem?
I really don't know why I care about this....
I would be surprised if alcohol were the root cause of her problem.
Poor thing is so messed up. She's one that makes the case that child stars just get effed up.
(I know there are lots of child stars that are fine, decent, well-adjusted adults.)
This is how pathetic I am. The recaplet of FNL is making me well up.
I need entertaining.
This is how pathetic I am. The recaplet of FNL is making me well up.
That's not pathetic. I mean, I spent most of last night shouting "OH, HONEY, NO!" at my TV.
Every time Britney does something odd, my Celebdaq shares go up.
Relatedly, Craig Ferguson did an interesting monologue on why he won't be making jokes about Britney: [link]
I'm not positive I share his POV but it's true the video and pictures of her after she shaved her head looked pathetic and troubling rather than entertaining in a tabloid way.
This is how pathetic I am. The recaplet of FNL is making me well up.
That's not pathetic. I mean, I spent most of last night shouting "OH, HONEY, NO!" at my TV.
Oh my yes. Also, Coach+Mrs. Coach for the win.
I have two large splotches of coffee on my cream-colored sweater. My boobs seem to be exerting a gravitational pull on stains.
Now I'm wondering if her return to rehab wasn't timed somewhat with the court date she had today to discuss custody.
Then again, going into rehab 3 times in as many days can't look good to a family court judge, non?