Relatedly, Craig Ferguson did an interesting monologue on why he won't be making jokes about Britney: [link]
I'm not positive I share his POV but it's true the video and pictures of her after she shaved her head looked pathetic and troubling rather than entertaining in a tabloid way.
This is how pathetic I am. The recaplet of FNL is making me well up.
That's not pathetic. I mean, I spent most of last night shouting "OH, HONEY, NO!" at my TV.
Oh my yes. Also, Coach+Mrs. Coach for the win.
I have two large splotches of coffee on my cream-colored sweater. My boobs seem to be exerting a gravitational pull on stains.
Now I'm wondering if her return to rehab wasn't timed somewhat with the court date she had today to discuss custody.
Then again, going into rehab 3 times in as many days can't look good to a family court judge, non?
Then again, going into rehab 3 times in as many days can't look good to a family court judge, non?
Well, when the alternative is giving the kids to K-Fed....
He's in a commercial! He has steady income!
I'm in LA. I'll go get them kids.
Hell, give em to Char. She's rasing his other two without any help.
I need some Jilli style advice, I think. I'm going bananas trying to come up with a new look.
article on the causes behind the Jet Blue trapped-in-a-plane-for-ten-hours fiasco: [link]
She's making Kevin Federline look like the stable one, which is really...something.