All this talk about Lent and nobody goes for the functionalist explanation?
Basically, the fasting for Lent ties into the fact that by late winter all the fresh meat and fresh vegetables have been consumed, and you're left with preserved meats and salted fish and beans and whatnot.
Mardi Gras (and its variants) is the way you use up all the fresh supplies before they go bad. Then you get your 40 days of fasting before the winter wheat comes in and the lambing season is over and the weather's good enough to fish again.
Sure, there are religious reasons for all of this too, but there's a functional/economic basis for Lenten fasting as well.
In other news, I'm deathly ill and my throat hurts and I am losing money taking today off because I haven't accrued any sick leave yet. Wah!
Happy Birthday, Jon!
So, did we know that Apophis is going to try and wipe us out in 2036?
I had heard about that one before, but more in the context of a close miss that as a potential threat. The asteroid defense I have heard of the most is sending a probe near it to influence the asteroids path via gravity over a long peroid of time rather a big weapon.
A Jewish plot? I thought is was a Pagan plot.
Please. As if there were any pagan groups organized enough to run a decent conspiracy.
(Or maybe...that's just what you want us to think...!)
Sure, there are religious reasons for all of this too, but there's a functional/economic basis for Lenten fasting as well.
God, you people and your seasons. The things they make you do.
Happy birthday, Jon! Sorry that I'm too krav-whipped to make it out with everyone.
Basically, the fasting for Lent ties into the fact that by late winter all the fresh meat and fresh vegetables have been consumed, and you're left with preserved meats and salted fish and beans and whatnot
But haven't they been gone for a while already?
You, you - functionalist, Suela! It's like you studied anthropology or something!
I have successfully ingested applesauce and plain spaghetti after the night of the stomach flu, and am now trying to decide if the reason I am wobbly and sore is the stomach flu, or the fact that I slept in until 1 and we need a new mattress. And will I be able to pick up the kids without passing out?
A Jewish plot? I thought is was a Pagan plot.
It's an Atheist plot, I mean c'mon, we need to make Darwinism a religion before we all become Islamic fundamentalist. Why is it that people think the Jews are behind everything anyway?
As if there were any pagan groups organized enough to run a decent conspiracy.
Hey, my people are just in it for the surrealist humor. If you ever see Cheney with a silly hat on his head, you can thank the Erisians.
Hail Eris
If you ever see Cheney with a silly hat on his head, you can thank the Erisians.
There will be no stopping the Erisians when they discover Photoshop.
Please. As if there were any pagan groups organized enough to run a decent conspiracy.
(Or maybe...that's just what you want us to think...!)
Whuh? No no're right. You know us flaky unorganized Pagans, heh heh. Too busy arguing about Gardnerian vs. Alexandrian methodology and whether Thor could kick Zeus' ass.
(Zeus would totally wipe the floors of Olympus and Asgard with Thor by the way.)
No conspiracy here. Nope. You want conspiracies look at those Lutherans! Always nailing stuff to doors and whatnot! Nothing to see here!