but, if it didn't get better, parents wouldn't have more than one kid, right?
Er, mine didn't...
Oh, I just meant, in general, in the history of the world, second babies happening and wished for and stuff. It wasn't meant as any insult to only childs.
Ugh, bon.
Thanks, you guys! These are the things I wonder about as I go through my day.
FYI, y'all, apparently ABC isn't rerunning tonight's Grey's tomorrow like they've been doing.
Ah, damn. I guess I'll watch it online then.
My friend Kelly wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate the fact that she had de-iced her car. So we did. And we had beer. And when I got more beer, Kelly ordered one before realizing she shouldn't drink it because she had to drive us both home. So she made me drink it. On top of my own beer. That I drank.
I wanna call everyone I know. And burble at them.
You know what the cool kids are doing these days? Drunken text messages.
FYI, y'all, apparently ABC isn't rerunning tonight's Grey's tomorrow like they've been doing.
Wait, what? I just cancelled the recording to hit OC instead for once. Crapity.
Jesse, public transport buses, liveries and taxicabs are exempt from child restraint laws.
So, you just hold the baby and hope for the best? I mean, that's what I imagined people doing, but I feel like parents in general are a little more paranoid than that. Curious.
I'd ask people at work, but my (crazy) boss is the only one with little kids, and I don't have the two hours to waste talking about how they get the twins around.