Oh well, it was a post'n'run from Miss Fay.
Sorry! My wee bunnies piled back into the classroom then, all bright eyed and eager to learn stuff.
But! You've broken my dream - I've just remembered that I had a dream about you and Jilli last night!
thinks hard. brow furrows.
...I NEVER normally remember my dreams. Curse it. There was a big Victorianish house and and and and aaaargh. What happened what happened?
...grr. That's very annoying. But I know you folks were in it. Um.
t /worst dream anecdote ever.
And, to ND, Omnis, Sonus, Sean, MM & anyone else with Halo 2; Bring it! We need to set up another frag-fest. Preferably one that doesn't happen with a Live crash, that is...
Update on my situation. Buddy who is giving old X-box is in middle of moving HELL! ETA on delivery is end of the month. Since work is rather FUBAR'd schedule, I went ahead and purchased copy of Halo-2 and communicator controller that came with a 2 month free trial of Live. As soon as I get delivery, I'm there! In the meantime, I'm being VERY patient... well... mostly so. Ya, this house will have NO chance of getting cleaned then.
Night all. Seems I'm always catching up on posts rather than part of the conversation. Hopefully work will calm down soon to read while at the desk.
ps: had most vivid dream while in desert. meant to post it, with all talk of dreams, but too sleepy to type it now. It was a shiny one, I'll say that.
I had a dream that I was reading a magazine interview with Jim Carey where he mentioned that he reads b.org.
I start teaching today. But it's probably going to be a pretty short class, since the point of my classes is to review what the professor did in his classes, and he hasn't had any yet.
Hmm. The class I'm taking might start today. I'm not sure what days it is. Probably ought to check that out.
I just started teaching 2-year-old's Sunday school.
Steven Colbert teaches Sunday school.
vw- teaching Sunday school sounds like fun.
My Tuesday has a decidedly Monday feel about it. I left the key to my file cabinet at home, I lock the keys to the other offices in there so now I can't open the offices. No one is going to be in here until at least noon. Because I'm locked out of everything I can't do anything, everything I need to do is either locked in an office or locked in my file cabinet. I wanted to be productive today.
Teaching Sunday School does sound like fun. I've considered teaching Hebrew School, but the requests for teachers always seem to come at times when I'm going crazy with other work.
Last night, I cooked black beans and red chard and seeded a pomegranate. My kitchen has all kinds of interesting purple and blue splotches now. I suppose I ought to clean those up sometime today.
Holy F*ck!
6 AM CST (12) Jan 16 -22 F (-30 C)
Here in Faribault.
I did not wake up with an anxiety dream. I recall snippets of some unpleasant dream from earlier in my sleepingt-time, but whatever, I did not wake up with my heart pounding, sure something horrible had happened to my children.
I had a dream that I was reading a magazine interview with Jim Carey where he mentioned that he reads b.org.
Don't let him delurk. Don't let him delurk. Don't let him delurk.
Statement: I am very, very bummed that my 3-day weekend is almost over.
Analysis: I'm in the hardest part of the school year for new teachers, and it sucks. This job is way. too. hard.
Aw, Gris. You've just been through a whole heck of a lot, especially lately, and you have an extremely challenging job. It's not too hard for you, though. We know how smart you are. You can't fool us.
I hope it gets better for you.
In other words, Gris, I feel you. It is the hate. I'm 75% certain I won't be returning to this school next year, so I'm tempted to be all "take your multiple observations and do something else with them," but I'll still need my evaluation when I go on to the next school, so must buckle down and "probe more deeply for student understanding," despite the very real likelihood that continuing to question one student for longer than 30 seconds will lead to the rest of them turning their notetaking guides into paper airplanes and entering an indepth discussion of... er, I'm not sure, as it's in Spanish. Something not related to math, I'll tell you that.
Emily, I'm sorry it's so rough for you at your new school. I hope it gets better for you too, and that you find something better, for next year.