I think Sara wants to be a ninja, actually. She keeps threatening to kick people's butts, and the other day she said to Ben, "I'm going to attack you now." And then she did, complete with growling.
I can't wait for Emeline to become a ninja. Though, I suppose it could be problematic...
Me: "Emeline, good girl on the potty. Now let's put on your Pull-ups..."
Em: "Hai!" (throws down a pellet which bursts into a pillar of smoke)
Me: *cough cough*
When the smoke clears, no Em. From the shadows of the night a distant squeal: "Naked butt!"
I need to find a viable Business From My Home scheme.
Okay. Get out your sluttiest clothes. And go find me a big purple fedora with a four foot peacock feather stuck in the band.
People have to vent sometimes, or they'll burst. In this respect, I support complaint-mode like a bra.
Where I (me me me) am concerned, I do better if I don't complain too much. We have control over our thoughts. I maybe can't control which thoughts occur to me, but I am the boss of whether I dwell on them or not. There's a line somewhere between thinking through/talking out problems, and wallowing in them, and that's the balance I'm always seeking, with mixed success. Like lisah, I have to recommit.
Okay. Get out your sluttiest clothes. And go find me a big purple fedora with a four foot peacock feather stuck in the band.
Not me, doofus!
Phone chatty girls. You recruit phone sex operators. Set up the lines and pay them hourly. You charge the customer $1.99/minute. Pay the girls $.75.
You can still wear the hat though.
I need to find a viable Business From My Home scheme.
Totally viable. As I recall, Guido the Killer Pimp worked from home and did just fine.
When the smoke clears, no Em. From the shadows of the night a distant squeal: "Naked butt!"
We have a book called "Now Everybody Really Hates Me" in which the heroine, Patty Jane, is a complete brat and throwing a temper tantrum. At one point she says, in order to escape her room, that she will tunnel underneath the bathroom and pull the plug on her brother's bath, leaving him in the tub "cold and naked! Ha ha!"
Sara says this ALL THE TIME. When I'm getting dressed, she points. "Cold and naked! Ha ha!" Cracks me up.
There's a line somewhere between thinking through/talking out problems, and wallowing in them, and that's the balance I'm always seeking, with mixed success.
And I think that complaining in a safe place is totally necessary at times.
Well, my fever has finally broken. I'm back to normal (though I'm still a little sore and achey, and I still have a nasty headache).
However, now S has the fever. Which is not good. Particularly since her fever is running two degrees higher than mine was. It's hovering right around 103, but at one point it spiked all the way up to 103.9. I'm quite worried about that. And she can't take the fever reducers (ibuprofin) I was taking, because they are processed in the liver. I'm hoping it will drop down a degree or two, and that she shakes it in one day, like I did.
Otherwise, we'll probably have to go back to the hospital, and neither of us wants that.
Aims, love? What's SAHD? Me no unnerstand.
"Here's what you do, okay? Give her a fish with a note on it that says 'Life stinks without you.' And you stuff it full of chick stuff like little soaps, right? But *erotically shaped* soaps, otherwise she might think it's a lets-be-friends-fish."
Tep, where is your tag from? It's cracking me up.
Also, Nora? Not eyerolly.
Aims, love? What's SAHD? Me no unnerstand.
I think Stay At Home Dad.
What's SAHD?
Stay at home dad.
Also we need to chat about Tucson, if you are still going though I know things are probably up in the air with S being ill.
Man! Hope S. recovers quickly. Universe! Lay off her! Just for like a week fer crissakes at least.