I am hoping that some QT in Columbus this weekend with my sweet niece and nephew will help shake away some blues as well!
I am sure it will. When I was first depressed, I don't know what I would have done without going to visit my older nephew. He never failed to make me smile.
here is fun stuff
the chinese new year celebration at my library
and speaking of no complaining - ther is a church that started a program - the idea is no complaining for 21 days> you put on a purple braclet where it 'til you complain - swicht arms and try again. No one is sure that no complaining is good for you - but the iea is to make the world a better place. Turns out kids have an easier time thatn adults - so complaining is a learned behavior.
Turns out kids have an easier time thatn adults - so complaining is a learned behavior.
I think it's because kids don't own houses.
I think it's because kids don't own houses.
And because kids don't have kids.
And because kids don't have kids.
eta - except for those that do and they complain about EVERYTHING.
Late today because of work issues. But I had to pause at this:
I don't know about chasing around naked boy.
Because this is a wrong that should be righted.
Look! On the couch! It's a dog! It's a doll! NO! It' a doped up toddler.
t bangs head on wall
She's sick again.
Sometimes, I wonder if we should just have Joe be a SAHD. Maybe one day.
Nora, you are nowhere near eye-rolly. You are buttgrabby. Which, I do with aplomb.
t grabs Nora's butt
Seriously, if you want/need to complain, you do so. We love you and want to hold you up when you'd rather just flop to the ground. Cause with the loving you.
Awww, what she said, Nora. Particularly the buttgrabby part!
There's an Aimee on my ass! whee!
Work email is down (but not the internets thank jebus) and I am entertaining myself by reading the last 3 VM recaps up on TWOP, because Tom and I finally caught up with the show yesterday!