So, S is home from the hospital.
And some nice person in the hospital got me sick. I have a mild fever (about 100.5), and all day while we were waiting for the doctors to finally release her, I was getting achier and achier and feeling crappier and crappier.
By the time we finally got home and took my temperature, I knew I was going to have a fever.
I just slept for two hours and sweated out half a lake into our bed.
Thank you Sick Person, wherever you are. I hate you.
Dave Matthews is playing an idiot (musical) savant on House tonight.
They got it half right.
(I actually like Dave Matthews, but seriously, what?)
Well, hell, Sean. Sorry you're sick. Glad S is home, though. Hope the week gets easier.
{{{Sean}}} I'm glad S is home. Feel better.
I'm sorry to hear you're sick, Sean. I'm very glad that S is home.
Hi Jilli. Thanks. I still feel pretty crap, but not as bad as I did earlier.
OMG...I knew I'd seen him before.
I'm glad S is home, Sean, but I'm so sorry you're sick. May it leave as quickly as it came, and leave you none the worse for wear.
Do you think House will actually have brain cancer?
Risky move with a Hugh bored already?
And I think the fever is breaking. When I got home, I was at about 100.3, a coule hours later (after a nap) I was at 100.7. I just checked it again, and it was down to 100.0.