Hugs Teppy, and ~ma to her dad.
Hubby had higher cholesterol than your dad, and he went on major drugs to bring it down. Which then made all the gunk that had been clogging up his arteries break loose so it could go where gunk goes to be dealt with. Which made all the gunk start catching on things and clogging stuff up. Gross, but true. I wish there were a Liquid Plumber for hearts.
Oh Teppy, my love. You poor sweetie. I hope your dad is okay, and that there is a simple fix. He really IS my f-i-l, in so many ways.
And I was so preoccupied with stress stress stress over the weekend that I missed your birthday, dang it. So --
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Cindy!!!
I'm sorry your group is getting so frustrating, when it's supposed to be fun, and that venting with the other couple didn't help.
There are tenuous plans afoot for some very casual, unofficial gatherings of people who are disgusted with the status quo. Although the term "splinter group" might well describe it, no one wants to call ourselves that at this point. Because that will set off a shitstorm that will make the worst of the Bureaucracy kerfluffles look like a polite disagreement.
I wish there were a Liquid Plumber for hearts.
My dad said that long ago, when all this started -- he wished that an artery roto-rooter existed.
that will set off a shitstorm that will make the worst of the Bureaucracy kerfluffles look like a polite disagreement.
My title for that in the imaginary Buffista history is:
The Day Preferential Voting Made Sophia Cry.
Aw, hell. Tep, I'm so sorry you had such a shitty weekend/Monday.
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Cindy!!!
Oh honey, thank you.
Sadly, I think oatmeal is the closest thing we're going to find to a cardiac Liquid Plumber/roto-rooter.
There are tenuous plans afoot for some very casual, unofficial gatherings of people who are disgusted with the status quo. Although the term "splinter group" might well describe it, no one wants to call ourselves that at this point. Because that will set off a shitstorm that will make the worst of the Bureaucracy kerfluffles look like a polite disagreement.
Aw, Tep. Sorry to hear about the crap weekend. We can commiserate in Crap Weekendland.
Sean, vibing hard for you and S. I'm so glad the treatment went well and she's home again.
Thanks, JZ. Though she's not actually home yet. Still, they've taken her off all her IVs, so she's not attached to anything any more, and can get up and walk around without bothering the (incredibly sweet and understanding) nursing staff.
Also, they started her on soft foods this morning, so her starvation from a weekend of clear liquids (which mean they bring her beef or chicken broth every time, despite it saying VEGETARIAN on her chart and her menu card in BIG FRIGGIN' LETTERS).
No seriously. And when she's said "I don't eat meat," to food service staff, they've actually in the past responded "It's not meat, it's broth."
Cindy, I lost yesterday. I swear I had it in my hand but I must have set it down somewhere. I'm sorry I missed saying happy birthday on the day.
Happy Birthday and I hope the rest of the year is as rich as your cake.
Also, a very happy belated birthday to you, Cindy. My apologies for not saying something on the day. I was a bit distracted.
Aw, Tep. Sorry to hear about the crap weekend. We can commiserate in Crap Weekendland.
Ooof. Sean, my whines are *nothing* compared to what you and S. are going through. I wish I could do more than just hold you in my thoughts.