(((DJ and Mr. and family))) I'm so sorry for your loss.
Pretty Nora hair! Handsome TomW Redbeard!
My hairdresser is so non-sympatico. I swore we actually communicated on the occasion of my last haircut--'twas exactly what I wanted.
Thing is, she always does what I say, but she doesn't really listen, she doesn't get what I mean, or what I feel. So I look like a new Marine recruit. Shorter than Dench, y'all. Really.
Ah well, it does grow. I gots to find me another haircut person.
I gots to find me another haircut person.
Come up here! I've got just the girl for you.
Wait till I grow some hair on my head. I'll be right there.
Well, crap.
Em has a fever of 102 and she keeps complaining about her nose.
very nice Nora. and tell Em that I say Bah! she shouldn't be sick. Me being sick is enough for the whole world.
No one should be sick! No sick is enough for the world!
I feel like a bad mum. I told my daughter I'd go to her roller derby game today, but I waited too long to order tickets online and now I can't. There is no way in hell I'm going to stand in line in this weather to buy tickets from the window. Bleargh.
Bitches! I was super busy for conference, then work, so I threadsucked, but then I got all panicky that the thread might have rolled over to a new one and I missed it, so I skipped like a mad thing that skips to check, and found out to my great relief that the thread had not turned over and I was only, like, 3-4000 posts behind! I really should go back and check, but for now, hugs and ~ma and confetti for all!
IOmememeN, I am so tired of working 12+ hours days and tired of being cold and cannot wait for my birthday trip to sunny California. Even though it's going to be late, I almost have the arrangements made for mid-April.
And now, my keyboard is doing very strange things and flinging me willy-nilly all over the screen. I may need to investigate.
That sucks, Sail. She may not understand right away, but she will someday. And it may make you feel like a bad mom, but that's just another sign that you care and are NOT a bad mom.
Thanks, libkitty. Every now and then I need a little reassurance.
Lucky you, birthday trip to Califorinia! You're going to the SF area, right?