Aww, baby Fay is adorable.
Next week, I'll see if I can scan some pictures of baby Hil.
ION, I've lost twelve pounds. Just a few more until I'm below 150. And this time, once I get below 150, I'm staying below 150s.
I've been trying to work out a bit more than usual this week, so that I'll be a bit stronger and have a bit more endurance for tree-planting and stuff while I'm in Israel. I'm getting a little worried about not being able to keep up with the amount of work that needs to be done.
And, I forgot to go to synagogue tonight. I was planning to go, since it's Purim, which is my favorite holiday, but I was tired and just thought it was a regular Friday night. Oops. I can go tomorrow.
Suzi, when are you going to spring training?
Not in the budget this year, hence my celebrating from afar. The original plan was to do a college tour with K-Bug, but she still has not given me a list of schools so we can plot our travels.
Likely excuse.
I wish I "had to breathe" tonight. Or had some fizzy wine. Or a chiropractor. Hell, all three would be nifty.
we can have fizzy wine in less than 2 weeks!
I'm kinda hoping I make it to the store before then. I'm out of milk too.
Okay. Home. Tired. S was doing okay-ish after her procedure, though she was in some pain and looking a little worse for the wear.
We're both still hopefull she'll be released on Monday. The doctors were saying that they think they can do this same procedure again in ten days, and a third time two weeks after that, and hopefully this problem that causes our little ER visits will be over for a while, maybe even permanently (though she'll still need a transplant).
I hate the house when it's empty.
I hate the bed when it's empty.
No, that's not quite true -- I love having the bed all to myself, but not at this price.
I know I could probably find company, but I also want to sit in my own apartment. There's a birthday party for one of my theater friends, but I just don't feel up to going tonight. I'll hear about it tomorrow, but at least I have the best excuse in the world.
Feh. Stoopid bodies.
{{Sean}} I'm sorry. The procedure news sounds good. I hope it all works out even better than hoped.
I know I could probably find company, but I also want to sit in my own apartment. There's a birthday party for one of my theater friends, but I just don't feel up to going tonight. I'll hear about it tomorrow, but at least I have the best excuse in the world.
Sean, if you don't want to sleep alone, come on up. We have a guest room and at least one cat who would love to snuggle with you...(plus, I'm almost done with my grading for the day.)
{{Sean}} I hope everything works out.
So, remember that spiffy dessert place Pete was going to take me to tonight? It closed on Tuesday. [link]
Instead, we swung by Whole Foods, grabbed some chocolate-y treats (and fizzy wine inna can!), and are now watching movies. We *were* watching S2-2 of SPN, but both DVD players decided to have a hissy fit with the disc. I guess I'll just have to twist Plei's arm tomorrow night to see it.