Damn, I need some baseball news. I'm jonesing.
Where the hell is Raq, anyway?
In Matilda news, she's discovered the volume control on her voice. Her cute little coos and querlous vocalizing has suddenly turned into high pitched shrieks and angry squawks. This is less cute. It's LOUD. And piercing. And her discretion is somewhat off, so she exercises this new ability over any slight inconvenience such as, "I don't like the angle you're holding me at" which sounds like "AIIIIEEKKKCHKKKAWOOOOAH"
ha. I was reading this book
King Dork
which is a YA book about a kid that hates
catcher in the Rye.
Ok , that's part of the story. As I was reading - I was thinking DavidS would like this book. I don't remember what triggered it - the band names the kid was making up? - anyway - the kid just confessed to liking Bubblegum.
DH has only been through the ones that feel like a big truck going by.
My reaction in San Diego was generally to determine truck versus quake. [eta: Much to do with where I lived. Trucks could be very much like the earth moving in bad ways.]
And then post about it, but that was just the Buffista in me.
she's discovered the volume control on her voice. Her cute little coos and querlous vocalizing has suddenly turned into high pitched shrieks and angry squawks. This is less cute. It's LOUD. And piercing. And her discretion is somewhat off
Ahhhgggh, this is really not my favorite time of small peoplehood. Still, it's a milestone of development. "Has made brains dribble out of ears." "Smiles!"
I've lived in Los Angeles since 2001 and I have only felt one "for sure" quake which was basically like someone picked up my bed and gave it one firm shake. The others I knew happened because the other people in my bed woke up or because I thought something was wrong with my car but when I got where I was going I was told there had been an earthquake. not that I'm complaining. I'd be prefectly happy if I never felt another quake.
Quake? Y'all ok?
I had an awesome night. New lovely color and great cut. Drinks and smoke with the hairdresser.
Are y'all ready for the cute? I SAID, ARE Y'ALL BITCHES READY FOR THE CUTE!?!?!
I will make a great buffista someday! [link]
This is a throw!?! You promised me boobs and beads! [link]
Mardi Gras not so bad. [link]
I'm out. [link]
Synthetic upper high top: [link]
It's not clear to me wif it qualifies as a vegetarian show, but it might.
CUUUUUUUUTE! Ded now. Might as well take my carcass off to bed.
Eek! Sorry about the quake, guys.
Heather, the pictures of you are so very cute! I don't have any pictures of me until high school. The rest are at the parentals. Maybe I'll scan in some to share this weekend when I'm there.
Those aren't me. I wish I was that cute as a kid! That's my baby Beau. He turns 2 next week. That was his first Mardi Gras.
Oh! I'm not quite awake, apparently! Well, he is very cute.
I was wondering about the picture quality...it seemed very good for our ageish.