meara, did you see that a new round of ANTM is starting tonight? looking forward to it.
I AM very excited by this! Of course, I have to TiVo it and watch later, becuase I have to go to the gay leather bar and sell jello shots in a corset. (WOW, that makes my life sound possibly more interesting than it actually is...)
Fay, I think your tatoo sounds AWESOME! If you get it you totally need pictures...
Any recommendations for DC-area places?
Toddson, I wonder if Deb or any of the Anarachs are still in touch with Tess? She had an AMAZING tat on her leg (a picture of an art nouveau Mucha girl, with the flowy hair?) that she got in Alexandria somewhere....but I don't know where. (Yeah, I'm helpful). I have heard good things about Fatty's, but it's really more about individual artists rather than the place...
We're going to Hawaii in September. And DH's employer is paying for most of the trip--airfare, our hotel and meals (for me, too!).
That sounds awesome, Cash!
Hmm, busting out the baby pictures? I think this is the only one I've got handy (I use it as an LJ icon too). And while I'm at it, look at what fun the "photobooth" thing can do in my new laptop: me and my new girl, or pictures of me Aimee and Kristin!
Damn, I wish I had a scanner, I've got the most adorable picture of my Hubby when he's about 8, plus there's a picture of me at about 18 months where I'm adorable.
meara! You're new girl is way cute! geek chic all the way, baby. I love her glasses.
Since the likelihood of me finding, scanning, and posting old pictures of me wavers somewhere between slim and none, I'll just describe how I looked as a little girl instead. Remember the old tv series Little House on the Prarie? Remember Melissa Gilbert? with the braids? Yeah. That's about it.
OMG! So many beautiful and cute and wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing, everyone.
Calli, The Usual Suspects episode of SPN is on tomorrow. I just h appened to see it pon the schedule and seem to remember you saying you missed it.
Remember the old tv series Little House on the Prarie? Remember Melissa Gilbert? with the braids? Yeah. That's about it.
That's funny, because when I've seen pictures of you, I've always thought you looked a little bit like adult Melissa Gilbert.
Are you at your parents' place, vw? How's Toto?
Are you at your parents' place, vw? How's Toto?
Actually, no, I'm not. I decided to wait and go this weekend. But, I sent special treats for him.
edit: I'm on the phone with L, and this is freaking hysterical.
I guess it makes sense, Cindy. I've been mistaken for her more than once.
How is it that Plei looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 17?