I may even locate and scan a photo of myself with the shortest haircut I ever had...
I like this reward system!
Very Not!Boring but not short. I need pictures because everytime I go to the hairdressers without them, I chicken out and get the same boring cut.
Your longer options are somewhat limited to layers or bangs. After that it's all styling. Do you not want bangs? Would you be willing to go above the shoulders in length?
Okay, then I would definitely recommend going slightly above shoulder length because (a) it frames the face like a longer hair style, but (b) it has much more movement and feels like a dramatic change. It's also long enough to still pin up, should you be in the habit of doing french twists.
Your hair looks pretty thick - yes? Any wave or curl to it?
Your hair looks pretty thick - yes? Any wave or curl to it?
It looks thicker than it actually is. It has some wave but not much.
I have been seriously considering going back to black hair and maybe putting some pink in it. I like red hair, but it never seems red enough for me.
Is it failing to admit I need to be with people right now and go to my parents tonight?
Is it failing to admit I need to be with people right now and go to my parents tonight?
That is absolutely not failing. It is being honest with yourself and meeting your needs, rather than ignoring those feelings and making yourself feel worse.
Is it failing to admit I need to be with people right now and go to my parents tonight?
Look at it this way, if you were recovering from the flu, would you go right out and run a marathon, or would you ease up until you were closer to baseline? Consider your parents chicken soup and a comfy spot on the couch.
I'm just struggling with this whole checking in with mental health professionals 4 times a day and having them around all the time and having roommates and other women struggling with similar things around to nothing but an empty apartment. It's so weird.