Yesterday sucked, and today doesn't look to be much better. I'm pretty sure I'm getting a cold -- I have that telltale not-quite-scratchy-yet-there's-something-there feeling in my throat, and my tongue hurts (no, really -- that's always my first warning sign that germs are encroaching), and I keep sneezing.
Haven't sent resignation e-mail yet, because I wanted to let it sit for a day to see if I could distill it down into a coldly dispassionate kiss-off. Versus the rage blackout of yesterday. But I *am* going to send it.
The Boy read Group President's comments about me "taking liberties" with editing as an attempt to make a comparison about how he (President) doesn't like me editing his stuff but accepts it anyway, and therefore I don't have to *like* criticism about the newsletter design but I have to accept it anyway.
I told The Boy that he always tries to think the best of people, and I love that about him, but that I was still going to resign. And The Boy said, "Oh, I know you are, and I support you. I just thought I'd throw out another perspective. It's still a lousy situation."
And then The Boy said "Whenever I have to deal with [Group President] on a project, I just go into it assuming that he's going to reject all my suggestions."
I told The Boy that I can't function that way. That's child-of-an-alcoholic thinking, and *I* used to think like that my entire life, up until about a year or 2 ago. But mental health is a tenacious motherfucker, and it won't let me go back to that way of thinking, and so I *refuse* to go into every situation with [Group President] expecting to get bitchslapped.
t edit I think my next tagline will have to be "mental health is a tenacious motherfucker."