Yikes. I hope the rest helps Hubs' knee. You have stairs too, right? Not fun. ~ma for him.
I don't have bifocal contacts as such. I have I think they call it monovision or some such thing. One eye has the close vision and the other eye is far. I love them. Doc said it might take a couple days for the brain to adjust but it took me about 10 minutes. Easy peasy. Right eye for far away, Left for reading, the brain adjusts for all the inbetween.
You have stairs too, right? Not fun.
He takes it slow. Especially when he uses the cane the nurse's station gave him at work.
Oh Fred! Healing vibes for Hubs and coping vibes for you.
Speaking of casualties. I managed to bung up the left rear of our cheaper van while repositioning it in our snow-filled driveway. The rearview mirror was still obscured and I managed to back into one of the trees.
I gathered up as many pieces of the taillight as I could find, and have glued most of it together. Tomorrow morning I try and tape it in place over the hole for now.
Meanwhile storm left a base of 1/2 inch of ice on everything, but under 6 inches of heavy snow.
Arms? Tired.
Matilda is a cutie!!!
Oh David, did you see Michelle Williams' new 'do? ADORABLE: [link]
ETA: Side view [link]
Matilda has adorable, pinchable cheeks!
Healing~ma to Hubs.
Heal-fast-ma to Hubs.
Matilda just glows, doesn't she? She makes vw's dress--or whatever outfit she wears--look good.
So I'm watching more Supernatural--Does every episode have a damsel in distress?
(Sorry. That was my grunt of frustration at the NY Times. Just, ugh. They get through an entire article on a protest against an attempt to sell West Bank land to American Jews without one mention that a whole bunch of the protesters were Israeli and/or Jewish. The AP article mentioned it. The Times didn't even mention that the synagogue sponsoring this real estate fair was Orthodox, as were most of the people attending.)
(I may write a letter to the editor, tomorrow, when I'm more awake and less frustrated.)
Good GRIEF. The Oscars, while I love 'em....could they PLEASE wrap it up before midnight? Oy.
And I just realized I have to return "Little Miss Sunshine" to Blockbuster before work tomorrow. Harumph. (We tried to rent some of the movies, but they were out of everything except that)