what he likes are the little "didos" as my mother calls them
Ok, I first read that as dildos.
Second. Steph he's full of crap. It isprofessional, it flows very well, and that second example looks like a stock report or EOB, not a newsletter. Yours is awesome.
Teppy when you quit make sure everyone knows why.
Ass 'em in the ear, Tep. I've run into a lot of people lately who need a good ear assing.
Announcement: Lee, unlike Tep's committee chair, does not suck. Today.
Analysis: Whee!!!!
Don't cluestick him...he might think you want a date.;)
Maybe the Empress will smite him.
Don't cluestick him...he might think you want a date.;)
Consider the audience. Yes. Always a good point. Maybe don't ass him in the ear, either.
Would it be offensive if I smoted him to only every have regular ole missionary sex that's kind of meh for the rest of his life?
Sorry to hear this, Tep. The only thing I might have improved with yours was make the line spacing between paragraphs slightly larger. That's it. He's clueless and ap-parently wants to play Top. Kick him in the jimmy.
This may not be meant as an insulting term, but I think it makes a great one.
Guess what I'm doing?
No, Aimée, it has nothing to do with nudity.
I'm painting! Yeah! Whoo! So surprising!
What I'd actually like to be doing is designing some more Gothic Charm School logos. I have an idea for something that will make all previous designs seem plain & unassuming. Of course, it could just look like a big jumbled mess. We'll see.
I'm looking though Amazon at reprints of old etiquette and "household management" books, trying to decide what to spend a gift card on. I'm not sure any of them would have advice on Steph's current dilemma, though.
I think I'm also going to get a copy of "Sex and the Single Girl," largely because, in a Feminism Television Criticism course in college, we were assigned to read a chapter of it, and I thought it was charming and very cool, and when I mentioned this to my Feminist Political Theory professor, she actually gasped in horror. (This was the same professor who called a friend of mine a "bad feminist" for saying that not all pornography is necesarily exploiting women.) And since then, I've kept meaning to read the whole book, but I keep forgetting about it when I'm actually somewhere that I can buy books.