Does this dress I'm wearing have too much white in it to wear to a wedding?
Nope. Cute for a spring or summer wedding. Which reminds me, I'm going to have to shop for a dress for my twin sister's wedding this summer.
Deena, yay on Aidan being a good little man and I think Kara's fashion choices sound deevine. I wish I was in purple sweat pants right now.
Laura, I'm glad the teachers are of the awesome.
I'm begging for a little school-ma for us. I registered Owen for what I think is going to be the perfect preschool at the UU church for him next year (and affordable for us, to boot) and I hope that they have a slot for him. I should know by early next week.
Jilli - shirtless, and with eyeliner! [link]
And thanks for the concensus on the dress! Now I just need to get it altered. It's too big!
t cue happy dance
I haven't done anything I need to do, but I'm cool with today being over.
Juliana is me.
Hola, all. I've gotten exactly nothing done today, which I blame almost entirely on the fact that the accident on the highway made my 45-minute drive an hour and 45 minute drive.
Glerble yay
I have the best imaginary friends ever.
Well heck. Normally by this time I've already gone for lunch. Coming in at 6am means early lunch for me.
Every time I've tried to get up and go, work has sucked me back down.
But there is a silver lining. My father just called and asked if I wanted to meet him for lunch. YAY!
I haven't done anything I need to do, but I'm cool with today being over.
I've done a bunch of stuff I needed to do (and I've got more ahead of me), but today being over would be made of awesome.
Red-headed Billy. I'm not sure about that. I'll have to look at it for a while to get used to it.
Grr. My landlord just called and she has a potential buyer coming to look at the apartment tomorrow at 2. We have Dave's relatives coming for dinner at 7. There should still be plenty of time, but still. Please don't let this place sell in the middle of winter. I don't want to move in winter.