OH, I totally believe a professor could be weird and crazy and just typed in addition to a previous letter and was all "I don't understand why this doesn't look the same but I can't fix it waaaaaa!" Because I've totally seen professors (and office professionals) do that sort of thing. Oy. OTOH....it definitely sounds kinda weird.
I got 2 of 3 things I needed done today...so, that's fairly good. And while I still feel crappy, I'm not hacking up a lung. And, it's almost Friday, which is almost the weekend!
/trying to look on the bright side
And also? I'd love to meet Miss Daisy Jane. I could even scrounge up a Saints tee to wear.
I'm putting vacation request in tomorrow. Wheee! Have told Mr. Jane I'm going and he's more than welcome to tag along.
I've totally seen professors (and office professionals) do that sort of thing.
This woman kept sending me emails saying she couldn't print a document I'd sent her without it cutting off the end, and could I please make it fit all on one page. I told her to check the settings since it was all fine in my print preview. I even tested it for her. I got back a shouty email saying that her printer was fine and plugged in and everything. @@
Sounds maybe like time to call the vet, Anne. Does he have a favorite faucet dripping? I remember that's how he prefers to drink. If he's not been drinking, that could account for no output.
Ma for the little guy, and you too.
OK, the Laughing Cow Light French Onion flavor cheese wedges? Do not taste like cheese or like onion. And they smell kind of like feet.
t paces through thread
I would really like to hear from Drew again...
t paces back out
Home now. Good day. Exhausting day. Now comes the waiting. That is all.
Hee. And also, sincere wishes for things to go wonderfully for y'all.
Good luck, Drew. What department is it, btw? I assumed Fine Arts.
:::::sitting on pins and needles for news about Drew's job!::::::::
Good luck, Drew. What department is it, btw? I assumed Fine Arts.
It's the UCI department of Drama.