Stephen makes the best scrambled eggs -- he does them in a pan over another pan of hot water, and adds a little sour cream, so they're light and moist and absolutely delicious. Mine always burn.
Yikes, Owen! Sometimes (who am I kidding, most of the time) I am very glad Sara doesn't have a partner in crime. Right now she's happily watching The Addams Family, which is one of her favorite movies. Heh.
Stephen makes the best scrambled eggs -- he does them in a pan over another pan of hot water, and adds a little sour cream, so they're light and moist and absolutely delicious.
This sounds like a technique I need to try.
Right now she's happily watching The Addams Family, which is one of her favorite movies. Heh.
Oh, she's so one of us!
One of my friends made the best scrambled eggs when we went to brunch at her house, and I have NO idea how...they were yummy, and mine do not even begin to compare. I need to figure that out...
Thanks for all the ~ma! I'm about to hop in the shower. I have a breakfast with more folks from the search committee in about 45 minutes.
Thanks for all the ~ma! I'm about to hop in the shower. I have a breakfast with more folks from the search committee in about 45 minutes.
Didn't need to be said twice.
Oh, she's so one of us!
She really is. So far, she's addicted to TV, she loves books and music, she's extremely particular about food, and she's never met a piece of chocolate she wouldn't eat. Oh, and Stephen has already introduced her to coffee, which she loves. At least it's decaf.
My own technique (cribbed, admittedly, from AB, but it works) is to stir the egg mixture over very low heat until curds start to form, and then crank it until it gets to a point where it doesn't look quite done. (NOTE: this was a very hard leap of faith for me) But it's true, after a couple of back and forths across the pan no longer on the heat and serving, the eggs firm up so that they are creamy and not overdone. And not underdone either.
The mantra of "if it's done in the pan, it will be overdone on the plate" changed my egg making 4-Eva!
As far as prepping the egg mixture, I usually just beat 'em with a bit of milk, salt, and pepper, and cook in a bit of butter.
Last Sara anecdote, I promise.
She is now playing on the floor with her Little People dollhouse, and she just chided someone very sternly: "You Addams!"
When she starts guillotining the Little People, I'm going to laugh my ass off.