Poor you guys!
Nah, we're good. We just had to fall back to Plan B. It happens. It was nice just getting out of the house all together, even if it was just for a ride.
While we were downtown, we ran into a friend Christopher works with that I hadn't seen in ages, so it was nice to say hi to him.
Oh, Cashmere. That place sounds like a nightmare with kids. I'm sorry you didn't get your dinner out, but a little less sorry, because it would have been there.
How are you doing, Miss bug?
IOmemeN, my grandfather is taking me out to dinner tonight, because Mom and stepdad are on vacation, and I usually eat with them on Wednesdays. He's so sweet.
That is so sweet, sj. Everyone should have grandparents like this. I miss mine (not in an I-need-hairpats way -- just in an I'm-glad-I-had-them way).
How are you doing, Miss bug?
I'm here. I'm exhausted and dreading this.
I'm so sorry you're dreading it. I'm so proud of you for going through with it, despite the dread. How are you getting to your eval? What time are you leaving?
IOmemeN, my grandfather is taking me out to dinner tonight, because Mom and stepdad are on vacation, and I usually eat with them on Wednesdays. He's so sweet.
That is sweet!
That place sounds like a nightmare with kids. I'm sorry you didn't get your dinner out, but a little less sorry, because it would have been there.
I think if we'd have tried to wait there, I might have some insight into your panic attacks. I'm glad we left when we did. But the people waiting cooed over the kids. Liv was wearing a cap a friend knitted for her and she looked like a mini Esther Williams.
Sorry about the dread, vw. Hope this is helpful for you in the long run, and not as bad as you dread immediately.
what is freezing fog?
It sounds super freaky, is what it sounds like...
Glad y'all liked the pictures! I'm trying to decide which ones (there are more he hasn't shown me yet) to ask Allix if I can have--he's willing ot let us have some, but I don't want to be too greedy. OTOH, I want them in decent digital form, so I can choose how to print them in the future, if I want.
I'm hoping to catch up on Veronica Mars (last week AND this week!) tomorrow--I'm "working from home" because I've got a horrible cough. So I figure while I eat lunch, I can watch some TV...(I do have *actual* work to do, too)
Guiness MARMITE? That's...I can't even imagine what that tastes like.
and if making pregnancy tests (because I bet it's the argument with women who haven't had dicksex that makes for the most disgruntlement) a standard part of the procedure would work better.
On the one hand, college students are stupid. On the other hand, if I'm only having sex with women, or not having sex at all, I'd be REALLY peeved at spending $40 for a pregnancy test. Yeesh. Plus, that's pretty expensive! I couldnt' run down the street and buy a test at the CVS??
How to say "the bus station isn't in the greatest part of town" without scaring parents?
Are you saying "Don't use the bus" or saying "be careful" or...? Becuase if you're saying don't use the bus, I think that saying it's not the greatest part of town is fine. If you're saying be careful, maybe you could couch some of it in "this is a big city" kinda terms? (Ooh, "difficult to get a taxi" is a good one)
(((vw))) All the best, sweetie. I'm impressed with how well you've done all the tasks associated with making this decision a reality.
Cash, I'm glad you guys got to get out for a bit anyway. I'm feeling a bit housebound right now, too. Mom's better, but I still don't quite dare leave her alone in the house. A couple of hours at B&N with my paper journal and a froufy coffee drink sounds like heaven right about now.
Freezing fog, in my experience is regular-appearing fog, that when it contacts a solid object, wraps about that object and coats it with a frozen layer of ice. Windshields, coats, eyeglasses, whatever. It's a little freaky, because...fog!