Tap Dance is always an excellent choice, Epic. I approve.
Yep, I'd been wanting to take it for
and it finally came together this semester. Yay!
Now, between that, and Lindy Whips and Tricks, and Smooth Blues, and Irish Ceili - if I don't lose some weight this semester, me and God are gonna have to have a talk about what's a Slow Metabolism and what's Just Mean.
That will be a workout, no doubt about it! Sounds like lots of fun.
DH and I are planning to take a ballroom calss through the municipal leisure/education program this spring. I'm really looking forward to it!
DH and I are planning to take a ballroom calss through the municipal leisure/education program this spring. I'm really looking forward to it!
Oh fun! Ballroom's on my list (of Things to Learn, not THE LIST). Matter of fact, I was under the impression that my Blues class was supposed to be Foxtrot. Blues is fun too (though it sometimes leads to tussling talk). You and DH'll have a blast!
Ahh, tussling talk makes sense in a Blues context.
You and DH'll have a blast!
I'm sure we will! I took one or two ballroom classes every year of college, and DH had a great time learning our waltz for our First Dance. He actually suggested taking a class soon - I've been reluctant to bring it up because I didn't want to drag him to something because I liked it, but after we heard a story on NPR about how good for you it is, he's totally down with the ballroom.
tussles with everyone
Hey there! I bet you're all asleep, or something - heaven knows what time it is over there. Actually, no, it's yesterday over there, isn't it? So you might be awake. (In my world it's 9.15am on Friday.)
ANYway, I'm all
because last night I went along to the January clubnight/workshop of The Bangkok Community Theatre, and on Sunday I'm going to auditions, and DAMN, I'd forgotten how very very very much I love drama. Love it. Last night's workshop was about auditioning, and we looked at a couple of monologues, and they were fab, and I was all 'OMGHowHaveIManagedToKeepAwayFromThisStuff!!!'
In contrast, on Wednesday I signally failed to make it to my choir meeting for the first rehearsal for the new thing we're doing, but that's because of the jetlag. Yes. Which is almost gone - I'm managing to stay awake for more than five minutes after stepping back into the flat.
Yay! Acting!
Also, damn, I look fabulous today. Pink really suits me, particularly with my hair back to Really Very Blonde.
t /EgoWoman.
(Also, in the spirit of New Years' Resolutions, I'm now actively working on losing some of the weight I've regained since being in The Home of Yummy Food Which Is Mostly Fried. So far, am feeling v. virtuous. Also just feeling
because sugar makes me feel like ass. Have refused various cakes and sweets this week and given away a packet of Ferrero Rocher left over from Christmas gifts from kids. Go me!)
Go you, indeed! What a great post full of wonderfulness regarding Fay!
skippy skippy skippy...
um. Yay Fay drama! Of the good kind! Yay dancing! Yay Columbarium!
Okay, shittiest pseudo-meara ever. Many apologies. I'm a Bitch in need.
Working on resume. Need verb for a survey. Does one implement a survey? What does one do? (and yes, I've now earwormed myself with Animaniacs).
Help, please?
edit to close parens
sj, do not understand the patting thing...you'd think people could read my "die if you try it," vibe and yet...
sj, do not understand the patting thing...you'd think people could read my "die if you try it," vibe and yet...
Thanks, erika. 1. I don't get touching a stranger. 2. My name is not "sweetie" or "dear". This one caught me off guard, so she only caught the vibe after.