sent into Quilt Pink, then auctioned on ebay sometime in the next several months
Too cool! I'd love to see some of the other quilts that get auctioned. Not that I can afford one, as I'm sure there will be many, many bids on them, but I'd still like to see what other people come up with.
Thanks for sharing pictures of the quilt, vw-- it's gorgeous.
Gorgeous quilt, vw! Work of art.
Uhm...well. I guess I'm mailing it to Denver now.
Reeeally? ::prepares shrine in guestroom:: Um, I mean, I'm happy to pay for shipping and stuff. Or if you know where your sister bought it. (I never thought I was the type of girl to steal candy toys from a baby...)
What are #s 1 & 2?
You have to ask? Smile and personality. #1 is the Scola smile, of course.
plans trip to Denver to sleep in scary guestroom
I am not afraid!
Be afraid, very afraid...
In meme news, can I be selfish and use Bitches as an incentive to keep grading? I've given myself permission to check in every two papers I finish writing comments on. So far I've finished 4 papers. I have about 47 to go. Meep. I'm trying to get at least 25 done by tonight.
I also balanced my checkbook, filled out grad school paperwork, and put transcipt and recommendation requests in the mail. Go Team Me?
Go Team Kristin! We loves teachers like you. My son's 9th grade language teacher this year is having them memorize and recite various poems and recitations and doesn't have them write any papers, at all. She told them she doesn't like to read them.
I finally caught up on bitches!!! (ignore the millions of natter posts I skipped). I can't wait till work calms down a bit so I can maybe read the board during the day... or heck, even in the early evening. :: sigh ::
Aimée - I GAMED!! I made a character and rolled dice and got into a fight and EVERYTHING!!
:: waves :: Ya, I was the Monk she sliced with a sword! So what do I do? Ya, I poison her to knock her out and defend her from the guards. :: licks wounds :: Ya, it was a fun night. My 2nd time gaming (really not counting the time in college where the DM kept killing me cuz I had healing powers).
Cashmere - and I'm doing taxes.
OOoo, I forgot to mention. While visiting sister for niece b-day party, she mentioned cool tax tip this year. Apparently there is a line on the regular form for writing off the federal excise tax on your phone bills. So before doing taxes or heading to your EA or CPA, gather all phone bills (cell and landline). It's something like 3% of each bill. Not a lot, but it helps.
DavidS -Prepare yourselves. I have taken a picture of the toy my sister gave to Matilda. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the fuh-reaky toy.
o gawd. That is just wrong! Thanks for sharing. I was curious what it looked like. Times like this, wish I wasn't so cat like.
Go Team Kristin! We loves teachers like you. My son's 9th grade language teacher this year is having them memorize and recite various poems and recitations and doesn't have them write any papers, at all. She told them she doesn't like to read them.
ACK! NO PAPERS? WTF is WRONG with her? I don't like reading them either, but they kind of have to know how to write. Don't get me wrong--reciting and such is also great and has its place. But it doesn't replace teaching writing.
t thwaps Laura's son's 9th grade teacher
Go Team Bossy Control Freak Know It All!