Yeah to Beej and Bartelby! I know I didn't post the ~ma, but I was sending it while cringing at the thought of glass in doggy tummy, which I'm still clearly cringing over because I just had to white font.
~ma and glitter all around to the folks who were clearly in my mind 30 seconds ago, and will be again as soon as I post this. This empty box is clearly having a deleterious affect on my memory. Also on my typing skills, which hopefully the extensive use of the backspace key is keeping you all from experiencing first hand.
If it makes you feel any better, I dialed my mom's phone number incorrectly twice this morning and ended up having to look it up. The number I've known by heart for about fifteen years. On the bright side, I had a nice chat with a really friendly guy, who read back his number and I would have sworn that was the right one, except not. Argh.
And, a few days ago I was supposed to get preliminary figures for meals to our caterers for the big conference we're having in late February (well, big for Alaska). I totally spaced until yesterday, but that was just a couple of days late (the conference chair is so calm that I totally didn't realize that there's less than a month to go). So yesterday, I contacted the registration chair for the numbers, and she said she'd get them to me before leaving town yesterday evening. But there was no call at work yesterday, and I just checked my work and personal emails. No numbers. Can I panic now?