Steph, you around?
Just got back from dinner; waiting for The Boy to let the dogs out and come back over.
I'm drinking my last Winter Solstice beer. Sad now (though I think it's already gotten a little too old)
But the memory of how good it was will make it that much better when it's available again at the end of this year....
Yeah, that's all I've got.
I love these shoes enough that I'm sad I have no place to wear them.
Oh, I will definitely be getting some next year. MAGIC BEER!
eta: Very cool shoes, Cashmere
It is! And the reason it's magic is because a little fairy dust is in each bottle.
It *could* be!
Help! I need a goobcheck.
How geeky and pathetic, on a scale of Seth Cohen to I'm 40 and Still Live in My Parents Basement With My Action Figure Collection and Sleep on a Bed of Long Boxes, is taking a screencap from the last scene of Dean in last night's SPN and turning it into an icon that says either
Frell, Frelled, or Totally Frelled?
Does this, like, totally violate some rule against crossing fandom streams? Would it ONLY be funny to me?
I would laugh, especially at the totally frelled, but that doesn't necessarily make it anything other than too geeky to bear.
Heh. Ironically (or coincidentally), I wrote an LJ entry about excessive geekiness not even 10 minutes ago.
Plei, you could always use the Ackles Defense, which would excuse geeky and pathetic.
See, but you only made the one VOCALIZED geek comment. It doesn't count if you just think it!
Maria, I SO totally could!