Because all the cool kids are doing it nowadays: My prom date. Who was Just A Friend at the time, became my first boyfriend about a year later, and whom I haven't spoken to in probably fourteen years. Partly because he was a sweet boy and I made a sort of delayed adolescence hash of the dating thing and disappeared out of guilt.
And, damn, I'm an asshole. IMDB tells me he was in an episode of Arrested Development that I know I've seen, but I clearly didn't recognize him even a little. I roll my eyes forever at myself.
Ooh, hello cutie! Niiice, JZ!
ZenKitty - burn the dress
My prom date was one of my DH's good friends. Currently, he seems to have dissapeared off the face of the earth. Last christmas his mom called to see if we knew where he was. We have no idea. ( and I'm not sure I'd tell her either)
I'm eating a half-frozen pocket meal for dinner. From the Second Floor Vending Machine Bistro.
And liking it.
Plz to be entertaining me. I'm stuck at work due to snow, and there's only so much Ackles picspam a girl can look at in a night.
I want JZ's prom date.
My actual junior prom date was a nightmare that I asked to the dance out of pure hubris. He went to another school, which made him instantly supercool in my atthetime sad hometown.
We met at journalism camp at Cal State Hayward...which made us supercool for no logical reason.
He was horrible and I demanded he take me home at 10.
I skipped my senior prom in protest (looooong story for another never).
My best friend and I decided to lie to our parents for the first time and 'sneak out all night.' First, we went to a cast party for a play we'd just finished and asked the hostess, a truly supercool mom if she would fib for us if anyone called asking if we were really spending the night there.
She agreed. We whooped and hollered. We were so baaaad.
After sneaking into the last 15 minutes of American Graffiti at the drive-in we slunk back to her house and begged her to let us sleep after all. She swung the door wide to reveal two couches made up in sheets and blankets. "I knew you'd be back."
I kinda still love her for that.
Plei, that sucks. I'm sorry you weren't able to work from home today. How long do you expect to be stuck at work?
Plei, that sucks. I'm sorry you weren't able to work from home today. How long do you expect to be stuck at work?
Maybe another 45 minutes, if I'm lucky. Paul's coming so I don't have to brave the bus.
Oh and, no brackets required but...the bf and I broke up tonight.
As breakups go, it was pretty terrific. No anger, but a few tears and a lot of uncertainty. Neither of us wants to give up the good stuff, but we can't make the thing work as a whole. So now what to do?
I'm a person who successfully figures this sort of thing out for other people...but I'm much with the lost right now. And not the good kind with polar bears.
Just forlorn and unsettled.
eta: Easy getting home ~ma to Plei!
Safe-getting-home~ma to Plei and Paul. I'm off to bed now.