So, Pete, what you're saying is that you will spork me if I send her the link via email?
'Spork' always sounds a tad rude to me. YMMV. I would just have to go with 'delete all your hard drives' or something.
Just be greatful it wasn't shaped like a bat.
Product ideas are not helping!
'Spork' always sounds a tad rude to me. YMMV. I would just have to go with 'delete all your hard drives' or something.
Right, so... IM's out, too?
Right, so... IM's out, too?
I have yet to see him banning phone contact....
Smoke signals, carrier pigeon...
I have yet to see him banning phone contact....
But then I'd have to actually look up her ext...
But then I'd have to actually look up her ext...
Woman, do you want the simultaneous joy of alerting a friend to a shiny!new!toy and torturing Pete in one fell swoop or not???
Alternatively, you could buy it and then present it to her when you next see her.
t places order for fire wings
Plei - could you get me Jilli's work address? Ta ever so much.
Thanks, Aimee. I try to take care of myself first. (One reason I moved four states away!)
I just, honestly, don't want to be the cause of any more stress for her. It isn't her choice to be upset with me over boundary-setting; it's not like she's in control of her neurosis, you know? I know it'll upset her, and I don't want that.
There's no resolution until the situation itself changes. I just have to let off steam sometimes.
Juliana, Jessica, Plei & Aims: ON THE LIST.
Unfortunately, this hardly seems like punishment as putting the four of you together will just lead to boozing & rioting.
Woman, do you want the simultaneous joy of alerting a friend to a shiny!new!toy and torturing Pete in one fell swoop or not???
Juliana is going to be the first person on the Super-Double-Plus-Naughty List.
Pssh. Jessica's in no condition to Booze and Riot, two drinks and I'm under the table, so that's half a riot gone right there.