Something about 13th century Bulgarian succession rules?
Um, no. I think it was about the Defenestration of Prague except I can't remember which one. Why do you ask?
We have a stock of real apples, milady...
I had observed those, O Daniel of my heart. Howsomever, I was particularly wanting the rubbery sweet-tart sensation that is re-hydrated dehydrated apples. Also, real apples require washing and cutting up.
I don't want to go too far out on a limb, but it's just possible that he may be a keeper.
I had that thought the first time when I realized that he rinses out the sink after shaving with no external prompting.
As for you, JZ, seriously, stay away from the Baby boards. The punctuation is bad and it depresses me, and I'm not even a parent.
vw, that's what DVD is for!
Also, seekrit message for you:
I got my cookbook yesterday, and it's made of awesome. Thanks!
Daniel and Andi are cute.
Yah, Ailleann! I'm so glad you like it! Raq did the graphics and brenda m and Deena helped with formatting. It was a big group project.
Definitely stay away from the Baby boards, especially since there are so many reasonable and wonderful parents right here.
TCG just had another meeting added to his week, which means we likely won't get to have a relaxing evening together until Friday, when he will probably be exhausted. I have evil cramps today, but at least the over-emotional PMS is gone.
It's awesome, vw. I've spotted a few recipes I want to make already. And P-C's recipe made me laugh and laugh.
sj, did you get your rough draft done?
Get this, though. The ONE Saturday morning cartoon we were allowed to watch? The Smurfs.
They totally missed the subtext, didn't they?
sj, did you get your rough draft done?
Sort of. It was a very rough draft, but it was submitted in time, and I am hoping to re-submit a better one today.
I have a tooth ache.
I just called 20 different dentists in my area. The ONE that takes Medicare/Medicaid is not currently accepting new patients. The rest don't take Medicare or Medicaid.
I'm so screwed. This tooth is getting worse. I really need to be seen. Blech.