cotton 'hipstes'
watching Jake 2.0 on the TIVO ( BOOMER! I was very happy to see her)
and despite the fact that I woke up feeling like the cold had actually taken over my body ( 3 or 4 night in a row of wakeing up at 3 in the morning making stupid list that were already all planned out. My brain is vaguely anxious about the job change. Would ambien get me past these stupid 3 or 4 am wakeups? I'd really only want it if it happened more than 1 night - usually my body figures out that I need to sleep the next night) I have actually done some paper pureging and sorting . I have a list of about 15 jobs , all of which will take half an hour or less. I've done 4 or 5 while feeling vaguely eh. I am hoping this will quiet my brain.
Pink cotton with only the tic toc of the grandfather clock.
I need to go make dinner. Don't wanna. Don't mind the making dinner part, but I need to clear a path on the kitchen counter first. Ugh.
Would ambien get me past these stupid 3 or 4 am wakeups? I'd really only want it if it happened more than 1 night - usually my body figures out that I need to sleep the next night)
Yeah, it would, Beth. My dad keeps a supply for random insomnia -- he takes it VERY rarely, so he keeps a script for over a couple of years.
Wishing me no depressive/sappy/unrealistic-real-life-stories television!
You're making the case against Lifetime all by yourself.
I also have the magic of Ambien, the only drug of any sort that has ever made me sleepy. I first got it after knee surgery, when I discovered that codeine keeps me awake. I have to go with codeine in the day and Ambien at night. I then worked my way into massive insomnia a few years ago and got more Ambien. As others have said, you have to have seven or eight hours. If I don't, I'm very, very sleepy the next day. I've learned to break off microbits to adjust for the time and how sleepy I am. I only have to take it occasionally, but it's a great relief to know that sleep is always there in the form of little white pills. Better living through chemistry.
I really appreciate all of the info re: Ambien. I'm a Melatonin girl, about 2x a week. Knocks me out. Does nothing for him. I'm a little nervous with all of the alcohol he drinks and the various scrips he's on. He's an organic chemist who works at a biotech, though, so it's not an education he's lacking as far as the pills. I'd like to see him get more exercise and drop some of the reliance on pills. But, he's a big boy.
Would ambien get me past these stupid 3 or 4 am wakeups?
I hear there are other, better drugs for waking-up-in-the-night issues, not that I know what they are, since that's not my issue. Ambien is made for those who have a hard time falling asleep, but stay asleep once there. Supposedly it was discovered in the hunt for a drug that would do (whatever), but it had a terrible, annoying side effect of putting people to sleep. Eureka!
I've learned to break off microbits to adjust for the time and how sleepy I am.
Me, too. They come in 5, 10, 20 mgs. Half a 5 mg. puts me under now. I used to take 10 mgs.
I took snotty!coworker the box of tissue from the women's bathroom and told him I needed to close his door, since the sound was really bothering me.
. So...what underwear is everyone wearing, and what music are youlistening to right now?
Grey stretch cotton boycut Hanes. They claim bikini, but they're really just low-cut hipster things. Black Wacoal Bodysuede bra. Fan noise.
So...what underwear is everyone wearing, and what music are you listening to right now?
Purple satin thong, black Olga demi-bra. No music - boss is in the office & it looks bad to have the earbuds in.
Purple satin thong, black Olga demi-bra.
Juliana wins.
Jilli gets extra points for having the matchy matchy going on.
I love how many of us wear the boy shorty things. So comfy.
Hey! I have hot-pink satin taps and a lavender push up!
Ok, I'm running a bath, so that will soon change to fleece pj bottoms and a tshirt.
I wish I could afford a good new undies spree. It's been a loooooong time.