From the other side of the spectrum, Hillary was not only for the war. She was enthusiastically, for the war. Bob Harris speaks for me on this.
In the wake of 9-11, it wasn't just George W. Bush telling the world "every nation has to be either with us or against us." It was Hillary, as you can hear for yourself.
In October 2002, during the debate about giving Bush authorization to invade Iraq, it wasn't just Dick Cheney telling the world in that Saddam Hussein had links to Al-Qaeda. It was Hillary, from the floor of Congress.
And in February 2005, it wasn't just John McCain claiming that democracy was taking root in Iraq, and that the insurgency was in its last throes. It was Hillary, standing right at John McCain's side.
But it seems to me, anyway, that when you're starting as an active accessory to the bloodsoaked mess that your core constituency now deeply opposes, and when you're starting with less than half of the electorate not already actively hostile to you in some way...
Oh, and to help with the sexy dressing, green concealer works really well on bug bites.
I'm thinking turtleneck.
Or, you know, just hanging out in my robe.
But I should keep the green concealer trick in mind. My skin gets red if you think about it wrong.
We had plans to go to a movie and do some errands today, but I decided it was too cold to leave the apartment, so I am going to make soup instead. What is everyone else doing today?
I'm thinking turtleneck.
Somehow, I'm thinking you can make a turtleneck sexy slutty work.
Kids are cute. I'm loving teaching 2-year-old's. SUCH a fun age. So freaking funny. They take everything you say so literally and copy things and they're just so damn cute.
Today my regular girl started sniffing the air when I told the little boy that it stank that the truck wouldn't fit in the building he made. Cracked me up.
Hanging out in a robe sounds good. I could be projecting.
I live in the reddest of red states (Utah), and I personally know people who honestly, seriously believe that Bill Clinton not being thrown out of office was a sign of Satan's influence in government. Otherwise sensible people nod knowingly to each other and say "It's a sign of the end times." They weren't just annoyed by the Demos taking over the House and (mostly) the Senate, they were frightened.
My distress at an all Republican House, Senate, and Executive was equally strong. But the extreme right or left is not going to switch parties if they are not thrilled with the candidate. It is unlikely that I will go Republican no matter who the Dems put up. It is just as unlikely that my brother would go Democrat no matter who the Republicans put up. We could just both stay home. (I always try and talk him into it, but he won't trust me not to vote)
My GF will vote Dem without a doubt, unless Giuliani is the candidate, then she would vote for him. OK. I know people that feel that way about McCain.
If Hillary is the candidate, and it is really way early to call that, the thing that will matter the most is who the opponent is.
green concealer
I have fair skin that tends to get red. Seems like green concealer would just look like a smear of green on my skin. Is there a trick to using it?
Today I had planned to do laundry, move furniture, and go to a movie. I woke up with a cold, and have done none of that. Currently I'm working on being warm and fed.
What is everyone else doing today?
Yard work. Planting roses and mulching. The Brendon's are in Miami watching the Heat and Bobby is helping me in the yard.
What is everyone else doing today?
I went to church, had a meeting, went to brunch, and now am home to relax. It'll be a nice quiet day that will include a little cleaning up and some homework.