Ohhh, I'm all done in. Up at 7 to drive Emmett to school, back to Deb's place to pick up some laundry I'd done and left in her dryer (she'd taken it all out and
folded it --
I almost cried),
off to TJ's to pick up more brunch supplies for tomorrow, wrestled with the DMV, crossed the Bay Bridge again, went to my dad's house to drop off the brunch supplies, picked Emmett up, jaunted from Albany out to SFO to pick up David's sister (who is sweet and smart and funny and doesn't look much like him, but does have their mother's eyes). I'm now blind with the sleepy.
I would so very, very much hang out all the damn time (that Matilda permitted) at juliana and Daisy Jane's bar, it's not even funny. And snarf up all of vw's Chex mix.
That's an excellent poem, Jess. Donne is just marvelous, all dreamy and intense and erotic. Except for being (I think) taller, totally a proto-Prince.
Also -- though in no way related to the Donne observation -- has the sproglet got a known gender yet? I have all sorts of Buffista baby clothes that Matilda is starting to grow out of, some girly and some genderless, and it's being set aside for Jess and Katsprog.
Also -- though in no way related to the Donne observation -- has the sproglet got a known gender yet? I have all sorts of Buffista baby clothes that Matilda is starting to grow out of, some girly and some genderless, and it's being set aside for Jess and Katsprog.
Aw, you're so sweet!
We were supposed to find out yesterday, but my appointment got pushed back to next Thursday, so no baby spoilers yet.
I. Give. Up.
Oh, honey. That's .... that's .... that's just sad.
Ima go embrace my cats.
Oh, honey. That's .... that's .... that's just sad.
Ima go embrace my cats.
At least they don't have to put on the ears.
so no baby spoilers yet.
Whitefont in Bitches or does this go in the actual Spoilers thread?
At least they don't have to put on the ears.
I was hoping to embrace them in a "embrace my cat ladyness" and not in a "c'mere sweet little pussy" way.
Ima go embrace my cats.
Why do that when you could Poke the Bunny instead?
The Beatles. (Was it just from them or was it from A Hard Day's Night?)
Both! They said it in one of their many stateside news conferences and the scene is replicated in the movie (with the line going to Ringo, I think.)
Poor Jen's Love Life. You've been Vulcanized.
"There comes a point where you either have to move on, or just buy yourself a Klingon costume and...go with it."
I must preface the following account by noting that I love my sister. She's loving and thoughtful and kind and smart and easygoing. She's eight years older than me and was a street hippie in her teens (in the early 70s) and her vocation now that she's in her fifties is New Age Psychic Counselor Person. So our paths diverged pretty early on, but she's a very sweet human being.
That noted, she brought Matilda the Fuh-reakiest toy in the history of the world. If you could line up all the toys on planet earth and rank them from Hec Thinks This Is The Coolest to Most Fuh-reakiest, this toy would be at the furthest extreme from my taste. The absolute most far away.
When she was handing out gifts I had my back turned and could only hear Jacqueline's slightly incredulous yet not impolite laughter.
Imagine a stuffed animal type cat. Big though. About the size of a Basset hound. Covered with long white fur.
With a plastic doll face!
But not even a baby face. More like Jon Benet. And the neck is wrapped with Wal-Mart Klassy Neck Ribbonish Krap.
It manages to ping both Uncanny Valley and Furry squicks simultaneously.
Emmett physically recoiled upon seeing it.
In sum: I love my sister.