t memememe
So, my boss just wanted to have a phone conversation about Where I Am and How I Feel about my job. The fact that I immediately started panicking and wanting to bawl is probably A Sign that Something Is Wrong, isn't it? (Beyond my total fear of criticism and tendency to tear up in such situations, that is.)
Truths (self-criticism only): I'm not that engaged in my job and I'd much rather be doing something else. I'm not organized enough for this, and I apparently lack any imagination to dream up things that our region could be doing.
However - the pay is decent and the benefits are excellent. It's a sure salary, unlike bartending or theater work. And I have so many more things I want to do, like travel or buy & learn how to ride a motorcycle or go to concerts, that require a good supply of income.
Just today, one of my friends at work asked me where I was going to go next - the culture here is that a lot of people work their required year and then jump to a different job within the organization. I told her that I know I don't want to be doing this, but I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what I'm good at that will allow me to live in the manner to which I've become accustomed.
I guess - should I go to a career counsellor? If so, how do I find one, and how much do they cost? My short-term plan is to cowboy up and not, you know, quit, but clearly something needs to change if I'm having a panic attack at the mere thought of reviewing my work. Any other advice? And jeez, how pathetic is it that I'm having the traditional mid-20's "I don't know what to DOOOO!" angst at 31?
Anyway. I'll try to turn off the memememe tag now.
I'm worried about my dog...she may be a little sick.
Dogs do get sick without always being Sick, right?
Dogs do get sick without always being Sick, right?
My cat has been known to get a cold and look very annoyed as he sneezes. What's wrong with your dog, erika?
My organization plan is "We're moving in a month, so everything will be organized in the new apartment."
My organization plan is usually something along these lines, with a less defined time table, but since our rent here is so damned low thanks to rent control and we never want to move, that plan rings more and more hollow for me each day.
Dogs do get sick without always being Sick, right?
Barfy sick? 'Cause my dogs do this a lot. If they get a hold of something that doesn't agree with them, they eat some grass and then puke. It's not always indicative of serious illness.
Is she eating and going regularly? Is there blood? If she's acting normally, but she just barfed, I wouldn't be overly worried. Keep an eye out, though. If those things happen, then she may need to see a vet.
Juliana, you've been under a lot of stress. The wanting to bawl may be a One More Thing kind of thing rather than a Terrible Sign thing. I have no clue on career counselors, but I wish good things for you whatever you figure out.
She's having (white fonted for ew) diarrhea.
She seems fit enough but my other dog puked and ended up dying of pancreatitis after months of insulin and tests and so forth.
When Betsy was a pup, she picked up a bacteria that gave her that and she was fine after anti-bs, though.
Maybe she has it again...
Fucking DMV. Fuck them all, the fucking fucks. Also fuck the City of Berkeley's parking citation division. Fuck them all the way to East Fuckistan and back, and may they all develop malignant anal polyps.
After a total of 6 hours on the phone since last Monday (not counting hold times), still have no auto registration renewal, and now owe another $116 that wouldn't have mattered if my instant online payment had been credited on 1/2 the way it was supposed to
My organization plan is "We're moving in a month, so everything will be organized in the new apartment."
It's a perfect plan!
I dunno, sounds like something the underpants gnomes would come up with...
argh. stupid day. why you so stupid, stupid day?
Yo - DAY!!! Smarten up!!! You're a Friday; show a little class and ACT like a Friday!
No, no San Francisco cocksuckers. No.