Chiming in late, as usual:
I've never had the slightest urge to have kids. I'm glad all women are not like me; people who really want kids should have them and have the support of the whole world to do it, the world needs more people raised by happy loving parents.
I just knew, as soon as I knew what having babies was all about, that I would never ever do it. Oddly, no one in my family has ever given me a bit of trouble about it. My sister has two girls, and she and I have the same mother, so she's replaced us, and the "good" genes have been passed on. The alcoholic crazy genes (my father's), I won't be passing on. I don't think I'm selfish or bad for not having kids, and it's not even about the genes. I think it's the right choice for me. Even though I don't really think of it as a "choice" I made; I didn't mull it over and choose from all my possible options. There's never been any mulling and fretting and choosing. I've just been sure since I was a kid (and I know, I read it in one of my old diaries) that I would never marry and never have children. 43 years old, and so far, I've been right.
However, I totally enjoy reading the tales of Buffista children.
Kittens. I hear a little kitten mew, and my ovaries go kerplunk. Babies--I check to see if there's someone around with custody and I go the other way. Yes, I'm odd.
Connie, you may be odd, but you're not alone!
I was really good with grownups, and failed miserably at socialization with other kids.
Yep, this is me. My sister's 14 years older than me and she assumed a lot of grown-up responsibility when our mother, uhm, kinda freaked out, so it was more like having two mothers than having a sister.
Because parenting is by far the hardest fucking thing I have ever done.
This is the reason. I think if I found myself pregnant, I'd rise to the occasion very well. I think I'd throw myself into parenting the way I tend to immerse myself in anything I'm interested in. But I know it's fucking hard, and I know I don't want to do it, and that's the real and only reason.
It's one o'clock in the fucking morning. How will I get up at 5:30am? Off to sleep.