Sports Night
is brilliant! Really, how did I never know this before? Just fucking brilliant.
It's made me laugh and sniffle and ship and ponder stuff. I'm good with this. So married. That night in Minneapolis with the Jager...
And my favoritest uncle called me. He's flying back into Oregon tonight - his part, not mine - and wanted to know how I was surviving snowpocolypse '07.
One of us, one of us.
It's funny, I have in my head something like "Everyone's seen Sports Night", and I'm always surprised when people haven't. And then I scare them getting excited to lend DVDs.
And you're not even to the Cutman yet, are you.
t sigh
t checks dvd clock
three hours in. Not there yet.
And Dan and Casey are having a huge marital spat. Can't wait for the makeup sex. They filmed that, right?
Speaking of Sports Night, the head waiter at the restaurant that I had lunch at was a dead ringer for Josh Charles (aka Dan Rydell, especially from the profile.
I've had the Josh Charles crush for a long time. This show? Not making it go away...
I think all this Sports Night talk is going to make me rewatch.
life is very rough.
I think all this Sports Night talk is going to make me rewatch.
The first season was brilliant, the second...not so much. I hated Sorkin for deserting SN for WW.
edited to clarify what I was replying to.
I don't recall sorkin deserting it, just working on both at once, it was killed by ABC, really. Sad.
He snuck up on the diaper, tilted his head and looked at for a minute. "Sorry," he said.
My second favorite kid story, after the one about Sparky's friend's kid who thought that you got to stop peeing when you grew up.