Jobma, Suzi!
That sounds really great, Nora.
It reminds me of my irrational hate of the word
What words do you all hate? It doesn't have to be because of their meaning -- it can just be the sound, or looks. Most of my word hate lives in the shallow end of the pool. I also hate
Actually, I hate it much worse than I ever thought of hating
My most beloved word might be chiaroscuro. I also love
huzzah! Grandma is out of the hospital!
She's probably going to get a pacemaker put in, though, in the near future.
Job~ma for Suzi!
I hate the word mucous. Both for meaning and sound.
My most beloved word might be chiaroscuro. I also love mollycoddle,
Those are both good words!
My most beloved word might be chiaroscuro. I also love mollycoddle, and lull.
my most beloved word is currently "moxie" It's old fashioned, but cool. I also enjoy "swell"
I hate the word moist.
Was your daughter killed by a flaming toilet seat, perhaps?
I'm glad she is out of the hospital, Nora.
Yay, AmyLiz!
Job~ma, Suzi.
Yay, Nora's grandma! Pacemaker~ma to her.