And yeah, that means I'm accepting the war thread as dead. Wolfram, I'm sorry if this makes you feel like what little support you had is deserting you, but at least to me, it seems like time to throw in the towel. Well past time, actually. I won't withdraw my seconding of the war thread should it ever be allowed to be put on a ballot, but don't count on my support or my vote from here forward. Sorry, man. I know you care a lot about this.
First of all, I want to say that I appreciate being part of a community where respect and personal feelings are more important than “issues”. If only the world was more like this board.
I have been posting here for several months now, and I believe that my posts have been courteous and respectful throughout. In the last few days I’ve been a bit persistent about a position I felt needed to be hashed out, partly because I was feeling like the new system wasn’t being given a chance to work and we’ve spent weeks here hammering that system out. I also felt that if I stopped supporting my position, it would be because people wanted to stop the argument, and not because the position was wrong. Which to me is not a good enough reason to drop something.
Well, it should have been a good enough reason. Over the weekend I’ve Doblerized, and though some things may be important enough to inadvertently cause this much dismay and hurt feelings, the war thread issue isn’t one of them. So I want it to go away. After careful thinking about this, I realized the issue has already been decided.
Yesterday, I challenged the board to provide a link to the consensus that old issues were subject to the (to be determined) moratorium period. That place wasn’t found. However, whether or not old issues are subject to the moratorium period is the next issue queued for a vote. If the board decides that old issues may be revisited under the new rules, and not subject to the new moratorium, then the war thread issue is next for the discussion since it’s gotten four “seconds”. If the board votes that old issues are subject to the moratorium, then the war thread issue is moot and dead until the moratorium is over. Does everybody agree with that?
Finally, I’m really not privy to much in the way of back channel and I don’t know if I’ve made any enemies over this. I doubt I’ve made any friends. I want you to know the feeling is far from mutual. I appreciate the respect and courtesy I’ve been shown throughout, and have tried to disregard anything that was less than that. I especially appreciate the posts from people like DavidS, Betsy, Askye, Deena, (I know I’ve left a bunch of people out) who honestly attempted to discern what I was trying to say and help me to understand them in return. In the future I will try not to let this thread get so adversarial.