A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.
Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych
Words like "Buttcrack" and "ass" might be an issue for those whose place of employment filters out websites that use naughty words.
Could be changed to Close Encounters, My Eema!
If that doesn't sell, I'm for Fetch the Comfy Chair.
where are you guys finding all these great quotes?
Oh, I do like the Comfy Chair quote.
Yay, a thread!
Comfy Chair is good.
she says bitterly, having only seen half of season 1 so far
I don't know how good a thread title it would be, but the Farscape Random Quote Generator keeps giving me this like it's trying to tell me something:
'Bingo! Give Brainiac a fluffy doll!'
Frankly, I just remembered this season 4 quote, but it's not really spoilery:
Farscape 1:
We May Need a Nerd
Farscape 1: Fetch the Comfy Chair
I like it.