If the preference is for different font over using signed posts from the admin account, that works for me.
But I would suggest that admin-fonted posts start with the statement that the Stompy is speaking officially to avoid the possibility of someone thinking the Stompy just got carried away with their HTML and ignoring the warning.
Perhaps a standard message format for official warnings? A template somewhere that we could just copy and use when necessary, for consistency? Anyway, could it not be red?
Official Stompy Foot Warning
t Problem User
Hiya. It seems that you've violated our community etiquette standards, viewable here. We've tried to resolve it in the context of your posts, but it looks like a problem. Please consider this an official warning that your behavior is not acceptable in this community.
If you amend your behavior, and want to contribute positively to this enviornment, you are a welcome member of this community. However, if you continue to violate our standards or disrespect others, you will be suspended for two months. If you come back unreformed, you will be banned. Banning is rare, and very much a last resort.
To discuss your warning or your situation, please see the bureaucracy thread. Thank you, and we hope to resolve this problem.
t Insert specific info as necessary
- Stompy Foot (Admin) Liese
Something like that, perhaps? For warning text anyway. A simple signoff as admin should do for non-official-warning but acting-in-official-capacity items.
How about a font like this?
That was done with the (already existing) css class "normal-bold-blood".
t edited because "span" isn't an acceptable tag
It'll need a shortcut, which we can code to only work if it's an admin.
Is there any sort of format we can do that can't be entered normally?
Well, okay, if it has to be, it should be blood. I mean, for artistic integrity.
Actually, that's an excellent thought, ita. I was wondering about preventing spoofing, what with using standard uids and all, but was loath to bring it up.
Is there any sort of format we can do that can't be entered normally?
Not that I can think of offhand. How about forbidding a particular phrase in non-admin posts, like "Official Stompy Foot Warning"?
t /brainstorming
It'd have to be something else, because there are plenty reasons anyone might want to say "ita received an official stompy foot warning" or "I don't see why there's not an official stompy foot warning ita right now to step off".
t /having too much fun putting it into sentences
Hmm. We could strip attributes out of font tags in posts ...
Nah, I got nothing.
It'd have to be something else, because there are plenty reasons anyone might want to say "ita received an official stompy foot warning" or "I don't see why there's not an official stompy foot warning ita right now to step off".
I'd suggest just putting into site etiquette 'no impersonating stompy feet - we realise it's very tempting to want to be ita or Ple, but we don't want to dilute the genuine article' or something like that. If someone actually does fake a stompy-foot warning, I don't think it'd be too long before it gets called in-thread, and an actual stompy-foot would be able to edit out the formatting as soon as one's available.
Me neither.
t edit
except what billytea said...
I go to sleep now.