OKay, here's the tentative set of new Buffy Mythology FAQ questions:
- How do you get to be a slayer?
- Why are there two slayers right now?
- Why wasn't another slayer called after Buffy died in The Gift?
- Whatever happened to Oz? Drusilla? Harmony? Joyce? Riley? Hank Summers?
- Why is Dawn just starting high school in S7 when she was 14 in S5?
- Is Spike's sire Drusilla, or Angel?
- How old is Spike?
- How old is Angel?
- Didn't the same actress play Halfrek and Cecily? What's the connection between them?
- Why did Spike get his soul at the end of S6? Didn't he want his chip out?
- How come Buffy could close the portal at the end of S5?
- When is Buffy's birthday? Wasn't it different in S1?
- How did Angel return from the Hell dimension after S2?
- Did Buffy actually kill Dracula?
- What happened to Whistler?
- What's with demons and kittens?
- Who is Dead Guy Larry?
- Who is the Ripper?
I don't know the answers to numbers 14 or 15
Questions from the current FAQ I'd like to copy over:
- James Marsters isn't English?
- Alexis Denisof isn't English?
- Oh, no, what about Anthony Stewart Head?
- Is that at least really Giles singing?
- What's up with the complexity of Faith?
- Who are Fuffy and Baith?
- Who is Dawn? (The answer to this Q could probably use a rewrite/condensing. Who wants to volunteer?)
- How does someone become a vampire?
- If a vampire doesn't need to eat or drink for sustenance, why do they? If a vampire doesn't need to breathe, why can they smoke?
- If vampires don't have a heartbeat or blood pressure, how do they achieve an erection?
- Why can I see Angel/Spike/Drusilla/Darla breathing? (Query: Could we combine these three?)
- Um, excuse me, it's Season 6. Where the hell does Giles think he's going?!?
Questions, comments, additions, or deletions?